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US Army & US NORTHCOM Preparing Camps For Migrants - Tens of 1,000's of Them.mp4

MTanasy - 356 Views
Published on 10 Mar 2024 / In News and Politics

🚨US MILITARY FAIL: Biden Administration is using US Military Forces on US Soil and abroad to help aid and abet Criminal Aliens as they invade our country through the southern border. Should the Pentagon be involved with human smuggling?? They have camps for little aliens too🤦🏻‍♂️

From one perspective, it is crucial for the US Military to follow the orders of the Commander in Chief and the civilian leadership. If the Biden Administration has directed the military to assist with border control and immigration, it is their duty to comply. However, some may argue that the military should not be involved in domestic issues and should focus on national defense and international security. Plus, military officers and enlisted members have a duty to report and refuse to follow illegal orders.

Concerns about human smuggling and the welfare of children in camps are valid. If the military is involved in such activities, it could undermine its reputation and the trust of the American people. It is essential for the government to ensure transparency and accountability in its actions. History will not be kind with those who betrayed their nation or those that fail the children.

Credits to: Joseph Trimmer

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