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UNDENIABLE PROOF they added 1000 Years to our Timeline (Best evidence)

Hip Gnosis
Hip Gnosis - 1,568 Views
Published on 14 Apr 2021 / In Science

Please, I challenge all skeptics who still are not convinced to give logical reasoning why. Sorry, this is not about hiding atlantis, its about hiding the Christ millennial reign. If this is true it falls perfectly in line with revelation 20. "He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and BOUND him for a THOUSAND YEARS. And he threw him into the Abyss, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could NOT deceive the NATIONS until the thousand years were complete. After that, he MUST be RELEASED for a brief period of time." We are in the time where satan is loosed after the 1000 years and we can see it through our fabricated history. (Like and subscribe and share if enjoyed)
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Hip Gnosis
Hip Gnosis 3 years ago

EVERY SPAMMER GOT DELETED !!! LOL more fun tha jerking off and popping bubble wrap you wasted your time and i had to vacuum out of a dead dirty smelly asshole of some mutilated farm animal. BRILLINT Show of respect for TRUTH Demons!!!!

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