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Undeniable Proof of Directed Energy Technology (DEWs) on 911.mp4

rms3303 - 545 Views
Published on 24 Jan 2024 / In

Dustification - This word did not exist until Dr. Judy Wood. discovered what really happened on Sept. 11 - These Buildings where destroyed from the inside before they fell down to the ground trailing dust. YES, SOLID STEEL AND CONCRETE LITRALLY DUSTIRY RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES. So why did everyone see a controlled demolition? Because that's what they where told to see. The Undeniable truth of Directed Energy weapons is obvious. This really short video shows what many called "the Spire" right after Building 2 came down (and barely registered on the Richter Scale). This is a solid Steel Beam that was once part of the core of Tower 2, watch how it disintegrates right before your own eyes.

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