Unbelievable 4K Footage See ALL of Lahaina Town Fire Devastation - Almost Every Street - August 10th
To support the survivors of the Lahaina fire please give to http://www.LahainaFireFund.com  And all the money will be given directly to survivors and to fund their immediate needs right now
Please see my last two community posts about the air filters and personal safety gear that we need and if you’re going to the burn zone you must wear. For those of you that need to report a missing person please call the FBI at 808-566-4300 or send an email to unaccounted@mpd.net. If you have lost a love one, please go to the Hyatt Regency in Kaanapali and give your DNA sample. Just a quick swab - they will not submit to any crime, database or care if you are not a citizen. If you know the person that’s maintaining the missing persons list at www.lahainafiresurvivors.com. Please ask them to add a column for date of birth and sex.
Please donate to LahainaFireFund.com
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