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UK Nurse Fired For Taking Part In Protest

Gee Gee Tee
Gee Gee Tee - 2,492 Views
Published on 07 Sep 2020 / In News and Politics

BREAKING: Preston Nurse Sacked For Attending Protest.

This is Carley. She's a qualified nurse in Preston and until recently has been working as a nurse to help vulnerable people.

Last week, she attended a Human Rights Protest in her nurses' uniform to support the idea that care home residents have a right to see their friends and family. SInce then, she's been sacked by her employer without any notice or chance to respond and put her side of the story together.

A few weeks ago when additional restrictions were brought into Preston, we were contacted by many NHS professionals and people working in the health care/social care sector. They're afraid to speak out.
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Dawn Browning
Dawn Browning 4 years ago

I hope people start coming forward.

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SPARTACUS 4 years ago

Love u lady n for what you stand for.
I stand by you.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

Star Dust is Pixie Dust

What I find most amazing about being Born into Purgatory is how many are The Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken too Our Human God… And we know there must be A nonhuman God for all these People in our same Flesh and Blood and Bones Body Temple Avatars, and in that, we must now make distinction between The God of Christ, and their God of SATAN where they will tell you so much wonder, and so much insight, but only to keep you TRAPPED Here In Purgatory, and never go home whence you die, and when I gave my Life to Christ Jesus even before I received The Holy Water Spirit, even that Church will filled with Liars, and Thieves, and Cheaters from the Elders too the Deacons, and I have come “too learn” no matter what religion you attend: even them CATHOLICS, they lie to your fucking Face all the God Dammed TIME!!!

Sure, these people on U-Tube will fill your mind with thoughts and even skills, but not a one will teach you how too kill your ENEMY in Secret [these nonhumans] called The Watchers from the Book of Enoch, and them Demons, and Devils, and Satans from the Book of Ezra, and now that many books we never knew were’ Are A Part of the Biblical; it is quite “telling” how many do still DENY Christ Jesus is returned, and walks among {we the people} as one of our own… Even these Books I do so mention explain how our Celestial Sphere MENTAL WARD for the dammed, and the crazed, and the insane works, and why should we be surprised that All Banks, All Religions, and All Governments are just CORPORATIONS with Corporate Flags “run by” these FREE MASON Lodges in our home town.?.?.?

The New Testament was made in a time of Darkness, and Treachery, and as we find ourselves in The Days of Noah “Returned” there are so many Jackals and Howls [by them] whom wish nothing more then for we of Mankind to Take A knee too their God just as them Roman Catholic Churches do that Up and Down Take A Kneel, Sit, then Stand over and over in their Zealots Ritualistic Jesuit {Zionist Rants} where over and over it is just A Repetition of Malfeasance, and Indoctrination into THEIR WAYS: of a Slave Master SYSTEM – ESTABLISHMENT – AGENCY where We The Human People “do not belong” for only nonhumans are NOT born free……., and they must do all they can [too appease] Their Gods, Their Masters, and Their Slaves; otherwise, Chaos will consumer them all, and their Command and Control “of we” The Human Populations would be LOST!!!

We have some very standard [Questions] too ask anyone be they Blood Related to the Guy or Gal on the Street too see if they are HUMAN or nonhuman.?.?.? For nonhumans` can not be honest, while Humans can, so ask them these {types of Questions} even if they be your mom and dad too your sons and daughters: Is the Earth Flat??? Do We Live in Purgatory??? Are these FREE MASON Lodge Members Faking Space, so they can “Fake an Illness” called the Common Cold aka The Corona, and as you wrap your investigation into some of YOUR Family and Friends, you will see THEY ARE Angels and Demons whilst you and I are the {only humans left} in this world, you should know when they say: It ain’t so, and The EARTH IS NOT FLAT!!!! That they are no longer human, and they have “become” one of these [nonhumans] from the Book of Enoch…

Johnny Exodice

The more you can “see past” all the Changes made to The Holy Bible….., then The More you can see the Most Simplest EXPLANATION of where we are [must be] Hidden in Plain Sight as FREE MASON Say They Know A God…..., but not a one of them know Our Human God of Christ Jesus Returned…

The Sentinel…


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