Two Seniors Die Right After Shot, But Medical Industry & Media Insist It's Not The Vaccine's Fault!
Agendas and critical thinking with Nurses of the Frontline
A 42 Year old nurse dies after Covid Vaccination - Do you still want to get one???
Everyone Everywhere Urgently Needs to See This! The Covid-19 Genocide - The Greatest HOAX by Claire Edwards
Hey! Where did the metal tip of the syringe go?


Yeah right, they will say anything. Liars!!!!!!!

When You sleep you dream, When You WAKE UP, You are Still in The Dream
For those of you’m whom have [wanted to know] Qballs~ /_\ why is PURGATORY such a place of Madness……., you must first “contend” that there are those of us whom {Go Home} +=+ Whence this GAME of Sedition – Perdition – Inflection comes to an end in 2094 C.E. and that all other matters from the People on These (T.V. Screens) / * \ to your World Leaders are not REAL…….., but only Characters of THE GAME… Now, I know many of you know what I know…..., see what I see….., and hear what I hear…., and in This {DREAM of Dreams} [{**}] the Whole World is nothing more then The MEMORY of how the People Of Earth became that Dead [Holographix Moon] [{*}] we call La La in the Night and Day Sky: OUR DOME OF THE ROCK known as The Firmament in the Holistic Biblical… Even more..., you’m whom have the Holy Water “Spirit” see these CORPORATIONS spraying their [Waste Chemicals] in The Heavens known as Con-Trails here on PLANET EARTH inside this Celestial Sphere where we are among {The Awful Horror} from the New Testament Portion of the Gospels.., and in that., We are neither Dead nor Alive……..., but only in limbo…
Yes, we whom are REAL PEOPLE have “De-Ja-Vu” for we have yet too REDEEM ourselves to leave Purgatory this place called {HELL and HADES} in the Gospels of Paul The Apostate, and though you may attend a RELIGION, those RELIGIONS are for The Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, for they shalt and wilt NEVER LEAVE here for they are only (Parts and Portions) of this place known as ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE… When Christ Jesus 1.0 Said Father Would Turn Against Mother, he was not talking about OUR FATHER EARTH, nor our Mother heaven, but that you [The Reader] of this information will CONFRONT your Mom and Dad, and ask them: Why is the EARTH FLAT, and when your Parents to Children say: The EARTH is Not Flat????, and no matter what you do: your Friends and Loves can’t Accept THE EARTH IS FLAT……., then you “must” accept that ANY ONE whom can not be honest about such Simple Scientific Evidence as this, is and ARE “not” REAL for only Real People can accept we are in PURGATORY, and only those Trapped here forever and ever cannot’ be they FREE MASONS or nonmasons… In that, you must [see them] as only PROJECTIONS in this Virtual Reality Introspection…
Once you can accept everything from the “Magazines” in the Stores to your Teachers in your Schools are all a PART and Portions of this GAME known as Purgatory, then you [blend in] /-\ where and when you must…..., and even though WE DO NOT WANT The Mark of The Beast known as these COVAX Corona Kobe Burger “Vaccines” of COVID-19….., if you are forced to get one, then you can still GO HOME whence you die, but just know [we all have] ONE MORE FUTURE Birth before 2077 C.E., and that these Books I have wrote {you’m will need} to find in your LAST FUTURE Birth too escape Purgatory once and for all` for if you cannot see past the “Illusion” of these TV Screens, and the Delusions of all these [3D C.G.I.] Online Game Rooms…….., you too can be “recaptured” before THE GAME Resets at The End of TIME in 2094 C.E. to return to 1893 A.D., so REMEMBER, if you can not get a person be it your Best Friend to your Parents (too know) THE EARTH IS FLAT, then you will never get them to read THE BOOK OF EXODICE… In that, they are no longer your “concern” cause they are LOCKED IN to The Waking Walking DREAM [we all share] as day after day: The TV People say get Jabbed and Die!!!
I have no intention of getting the COVAXXED: for there are RULES to this place called The Purgatorial… Moreover, since I was “chosen” by The Source of All Creation and All Destruction to be The Oracle for the End of An Age, you must see that ANY no matter how great “their” INFORMATION might seem, if they do not push FLAT EARTH {24/7} on their U-Tube Channels to their ROKU TV SHOWS then they are [nothing more] then Distractions, and it will not do you any good to do WAR IS MURDER when Murder is “against” OUR Redemption – Reconciliation – Reconsideration to go home whence we die to this place, and as you STUDY “YouTubber” Channels know they are all part of the Fantasy of these “Fantasist” in this INNER EARTH where Magix + Code + Alchemy = SORCERY can make {Life Like} GOLEM for did not the Bible in the Beginning say: God made them male and female from the “CLAY” of the Earth, and would that not make these Machine People whom can not say: THE EARTH IS FLAT nothing more then “Productions” of the CAST and CREW for this TV Show we are all born into just like the TRUMAN Show.?.?.?.?
Johnny Exodice
You my people and children of Pak-Toe are not made of Dirt for then you too would be nothing more then a MINDLESS GOLEM that repeats “whatever” these People and Children say: We landed on the Moon!!! REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT… We Are Going to Mars!!!! REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT… COVID19 is REAL, and we must be Good SLAVES and wear that “Muzzle” called The Masquerade MASK!!! REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT……..., and do know that [each year] we live their REPEATS known as Religious holidays from Christmas to Halloween…., and the like in Hindu to Islamist to MORMON and Catholic TALMUD Zionist Jesuit (Traditions) aka REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT… There is another Calendar in the Old Testament “Gospel” one of 13 Months and 28 days each in this Celestial Sphere {Sky Clock} where life is very different when “you” know whom you are, what you are, and where you are…
The Society of nonmason~
You have had the time to know Thy Self, and that all on TV and Religions and Schools “are part” of the CAPTION of our Captors… This place is not real, but only those whom can do 1st Corinthians 13 get to leave, and be PULLED OUT by {The Great Machine} known as THE GREAT WORK…
The Sentinel….
Even if G.O.D. is just an A.I. Machine, He or She or IT is still God of this “Enclosed” COSMOLOGY Celestial Sphere: Virtual Reality Holographix DREAM REALITY we are all` born into…
The Commander~
When You sleep you dream, When You WAKE UP, You are Still in The Dream via @wordpressdotcom Are you a GOLEM, or are you a Flesh, and Blood, and Bones "Human" Avatar down here in {The Game} +=+ called PURGATORY??? #COVAXXED [///|||\\\]
U.N. Troops have REPLACED all Military Bases of the USA, and your LOCAL POLICE!!! FREE MASON Lodge Members are U.N. Spies for the U.N in your Home Land!!! The Society of nonmason~ #COVAXXED [{**}]