Twiggy - The Face of The 60s
Swinging London in the Sixties was a time of optimism, creativity and enthusiasm. At the centre of this pop rebellion was a new aristocracy, both colourful and insouciant; one that was ennobled by the magazine covers and the hit parade. And one face more than any other was the incarnation of that cultural revolution: the face of Twiggy.

It Watches OUR Every Move…
No, it is not the “Fantasist” Creation known as Santa Clause, and no it is not any God of Any Religion, and no It is not even the FREE MASON {God of Lucifer} The Devil of S.A.T.A.N. However, it is well known that you are only as sick as Your Secrets, and since there are so many SECRET [Groups] from MASONS and all their other Denominations of Demolay – Shriners – Eastern Stars – Jobs Daughters – Rainbow Girls that make up these FAKE JEWS: known as the ROMAN Centurions of Jesuit Zionist in the LAND now called ISRAEL, so named that way “after” the End of the MUD FLOOD WARS in 1948 A.D. where the League of BLUE EYED Nations became The Foundational Stones of what we now call The UNITED NATIONS International Mafia of (Global Citizens) known as WE ARE THE INTERNATIONALIST’ whom and what is an INTERNATIONALIST???, and what gives them the right on Either Side of FLAT EARTH in our shared {Celestial Sphere} too tell we: The Blades of Grass What To do is an Enticingly unknown matter……..
This INTERNATIONALISM that construes our every street with Statues of “Graven Images” from Posters to Bill Boards to Magazines and Television Screens [always shows] the Smiling Faces of them CORPORATION Capitalist whom destroy our Home World with Plastic Junk and Styrofoam Gunk, and the Land Fills and Trash Dumps overfill {with unused} wasted Material of these MATERIALIST!!! Had there been no: I am better then you, than all of WE THE PEOPLE would have enough, and there would be no need too Fake {8 Billion People} by leaving EMPTY Buildings Standing in our now EMPTY and Dead Imaginations of City Scrapers and Sky Wall “Tasters” and Stocks and Bonds Traitors as all the Bars, and Clubs, and Social Security GATHERINGS are no more for {a Lie Agreed Upon} known as this WORLD DOMINATION PLOT and Depopulation of WE Are the “remaindering” Humans called JADE HELM 15 repurposed as (COVID19)…
I do find it [intrusive] Qballs~ /_\ that a Black Mirror A.I. Talking Cell Phone is to be my only way of Communications.?.?.? where this Technological inspector “Gadget” is too replace Human Touch with another Human Being????? That no matter where I was too run, these Same Satanic Hollywood to Bollywood FACE MASK of we the Employed EMPLOYEES {only means} we are more Slaves then them that [do not pay] taxes for LAWS, and Rules, and Regulations: WE THE PEOPLE have no say in… Moreover, the Constant Building of “things” too keep them busy’ from Ghost Cities in MADE IN CHINA too the Empty Halls of our once Great Egyptian Gods and Roman Citizens… Where do youm turn to when this [whole place] we are Born into is nothing more then a Compassionate HELL at Best, and a False Reality at Worse where The Many {do not know} what The NARROW GATE that used to be called The Narrow Path in the New Testament has been used to no longer say The Narrow Way of Christ Jesus 1.0 was to be HONEST on all matters: come what may….. My Rag Tag Rebellion of Pak-Toe knows all too well The Racka of this “Eternal” never ending Story where WE THE PEOPLE have no say in anything, but that “them” THAT we do so too EMPLOY do???
I suppress [my desire] too SCREAM and SHOUT for the many do not have NO WAY OUT for they believe THE RAPTURE of every “TV Show” and all the lies of the {NEWS} World Order Military Dictatorship of this U.N. FLAGS Empire of these Peacekeeper WORLD POLICE whom seek no Redemption, no Reconciliation, and NO Reconsideration from their {Lies Agreed Upon} called Malfeasance Dictatorial Estrangement “for each” and every Country – Constitution – Complication…. Too be certain` We The People of EARTH on [both sides] of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere know our WORLD LEADERS “have so too” LOST THEIR MINDS, and can do nothing more now then LOGUNS RUN A.I. {Arrhythmical Interfaces} of illusions and delusions as TV continually watches them Watching IT… Where the TV Says: Do as We Do, Dress as We Dress, and Act like We Act, and in that: THE RAPTURE has fulfilled its “original” Definition for The Damned, The Curse, and The Forsaken…
Johnny Exodice
Now too my “People” and Children of Pak-Toe, we have shown you what you need to Buy: too Test the Water and “Creaks” and Lakes and even {Ocean Water} where youm live, and you can also use that same Environmental Machinery to TEST THE DIRT, and then make Books and (Keep Records) of the Toxic Waste from the Factories where you live, and no, do not Bother with their City Counsels, nor City Courts, nor even their FREE MASON C.O.P.S. aka U.N. Troops in all Nations’ for THEY LIVE are all Pirates and Vampires called INCUBUS and SUCCUBUS, but keep these “Records” on the Health of your Trees, and Insects, and all other matters at our FLAT EARTH Magical Academy [offline] Gaming STUDY Rooms, and then pass them on to each generation after you till PURGATORY RESETS at the END OF TIME in 2094 C.E.
The Society of nonmason~
There is no reason youm my {Romantic Warriors} can not keep records on all matters where and whence you live, and then put those Records on USB “Magenetically” Protected LEAD Lined Boxes from WORLD WAR FOUR {EMP} Disruption and Destruction, and place them in TIME CAPSULES in all U.N. Occupied Lands by these U.N. FLAGS, and have [Treasure Maps] made too find them in 2055 C.E. …
The Sentinel…
I see no Reason in 2021 to 2030 that WE THE PEOPLE can not {do something} Purposeful in our lives till Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 have [come too pass] and CORPORATIONS will no longer “hide” they were the Government – Schools of Thoughts – Religions, and all Paramilitaries of WAR IS MURDER with their A.I. Machines “all along” here in Hell, and Hades, and The World of The Dead…
The Commander~
† ///|||\\\ Ω
If youm do not know what this BIG WORD Actually Means, youm should look it up and read all The "intentional" material...
The Commander~ † ///|||\ Ω