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Turning Defeat into Victory Part 1: Starting from Scratch

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church
Published on 11 Aug 2024 / In Spiritual

Defeat is a terrible thing. No one likes to suffer loss when it comes to health, relationships and financial dealings. It leaves a terrible feeling in your heart, and if you don't do something about it, it's not long before depression begins to set in. That means you need to abandon the views and opinions of your natural man and start lining up with the Spirit of God.

God has promised us joy and victory regardless of circumstances, so if you have the attitude that all things are possible with God, you will be able to turn everything around. The change you desire might not happen instantly but God will work out all things if you are patient and willing to be trust Him.

You don't have to hide your problems, you just need to be real and acknowledge the circumstances, but that doesn't mean that God wants you to dwell on them. He want a close personal walk regardless of the circumstances or how you feel. So if you're in a slump, it's time to move upward and onward.

Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1398 -- JUNE 30, 2013

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