aka "Plymouth Fury Spews His Gooey Ooey Gopher Guts"
We are Demonetized and Shadowbanned. Please support our work with a Donation. https://paypal.me/plymouthfury Alms For The Poor.... you can also use my Fundrazr http://tinyurl.com/plzgivrdude and read my full sordid Story.
"Many of the Deep State scumbags are wearing Stainless Steel Bling. Everything you see on the MSM news is a fuckin' APPARENCY."
Dave T. Net4TruthUSA, April 2021
Arrest records clip from Republic Radio Their-Tube channel:

Thank you for being brave and telling your story. This has happened to so many children. It breaks my heart.I remember when my son was at the age you were when this happened to you. I would kill anyone who laid a hand on him. Your mom should know if she is still around. You are not alone. I found out my brother was abused by a neighbor's kid when he was 5 or 6 years old. I did not learn of it until he was 64 years old! No one should ever have to live in secret pain over someone else's criminal behavior! I pray to God that everyone who has lived with this kind of nightmare will be vindicated and start to heal when these satanic pedophiles are publicly bought to justice! God Bless you!

i have noticed that for Longer Videos it sometimes takes quite a loooong time to Process it...small Price to Pay farz im Concerned....bear with it...Viddy Well