Truth by Billie Beene E1-136 Suez Canal/Showdown/Children Saved and Weapons Seized!
Truth by Billie Beene youtube billie beene
Truth by Billie Beene ugetube
Truth by Billie Beene Rumble
A short vid detailing: Suez Canal cntr situation, Pres T reurn to power, NESARA update and plus.
Scott McKay Streetfighter #67
Trucistenw Amy C Barrett Report
Dark Outpost Pres T Return Apr-Aug Plus
MadeeraA Greere GITMO, Dr Steve Pieczenik (Halfway thru last vid)
Michael Jaco
True Defender - Evergreen Cntr Shi[ - Suez Canal

Will you check with WHO on Charlie Wards report that they ate now stating CV19 is no longerva threat. I tried yo research on duclduckgo and web pages are taken down censored. Charlie ward and MelK posted a video eith the World Jealth Addociation mot WHO stating no more health threat but they are not the same organization. I am unable to reply or emsil either MelK or Charlie. We need this fact checked. Thank you for your strength and dedication in the fight for our world freedom. Michel