Trump Speech April 21st Talks About Ukraine Russia War & NATO Iran Iraq Vaccines Israel Isis etc etc.mp4
Trump Speech April 21st Talks About Ukraine Russia War & NATO Iran Iraq Vaccines Israel Isis etc etc
The Heritage Foundation April 21st
President Donald Trump Delivers Keynote Speech in Florida
President Trump’s speech will serve as the latest in a series of policy addresses from conservative leaders at Heritage. It comes as Heritage embarks on advancing its own strategic priorities, which will comprise the core of the conservative policy agenda in 2022 and beyond.
“America is facing dark times and tremendous plight due to the radical shift away from America First,” President Trump said. “However, America’s greatness is not lost if we act with purpose. We can and must turn this around to Save America.”
Heritage supported many of President Trump’s accomplishments, including his Supreme Court appointments, cutting taxes and federal regulations, championing pro-life policies, enforcing immigration laws, expanding domestic energy production, and advancing American interests on the world stage while becoming the first president in decades not to start any new wars.