Transhumanism. Not the future that we want! Dr. Carrie Madej on
ChildrensHealthDefence Town Hall Tuesday May 25th 2021.
Transhumanism. Not the future that we want! Dr. Carrie Madej on

This does not look good for Madej
The Cult wants the unsworn to learn about and accept trans-humanism and who better than a pretty smart Christian.
Madej does not teach us how about the brainchip that the medical mafia has to covertly drill a hole in your skull and implant the interface into your brain to allow communications with the cellular grid. Why would she not be teaching this? Instead she is having the unswron imagine that nano-bots injected in the arm can somehow model the brain's synaptic and neuronic activity without a stable scanner installed. Does this make sense? not only to scan but to inject signals using a magnetic nano-beam resonator cannon that Polina Anikeeva exposed but thought every unsworn was too dumb to make the connection.
Not only the magnetic interface, but it has been around for decades according to Dr. Rauni Kilde (RIP)
To stop the hivemind that the brainchips and Central-Command A.I. supercomputer create the unsworn just need to sever to two by stopping all atmospheric microwaves.
The video dream and memories are not the spiritual source. Why does Carrie not tell the listeners that a physical computer cannot contain a non-physical soul and spirit. The mind is not just reflected by physical brain activity, the entire body and even beyond the skin is the radiance of the soul. Come on Carrie....
The thUgs will rule the unsworn this way:
They will sell tanshumanism secretly as I show here:
I see what the thUgs are setting up for the unsworn who want to be part of their trans-humanist world will be tricked by taking the injections of poison. The true hivemind requires a brainchip and they will never tell the unsworn this truth... unfortunately, Madej is feeding the unsworn with the same thoughts that to join the thUg Utopian future, you need the nano-bots to connect the mind, totally wrong. Only the computer-brain-interface will connect the brain up to the hivemind.
See, this is wrong data, the hydrogel is only a poison, it does not connect the body up to the hivemind. Research the brainchip interface, please, and become more informed that a willing hydrogel injecting new-age guy.
Lies are monitored through the brainchip interface, not sweat on the hands.
No, the predictive policing is another facade. The brainchip monitors all thoughts and if you think of robbing or stealing the brainchip algorithms will notify Central-command. They pretend that it is predictive in order to hide the existence of a covertly implanted brainchip already secretly installed in your skull after you take the vax or you are a trouble-causer for the Cult.
I still think madej is authentic and not another Judas Goat, but brainchip technology knowledge is well known in the medical community. It appears that Madej is purposely not exposing the Brainchip Hivemind that the Freemasons and SS use now all around the world. Do your due diligence and seek the truth. If Madej keeps avoiding exposing the brainchip-interface then, oh-oh, another JG.
Thank-you and don't be lazy when it comes to critical thinking.