Top of the world to the Bottom, Jews,flat earth,isreal,stargates,and dome above your head
Antarctica 88th parralel
New Zealand
Azimuthal equidistant projection
Flat earth map 2
1958 encyclopedia admits they found the dome
Frence police join protest against vaccine
Pelosi: ‘Republicans in the Senate Seem to Have an Endless Tolerance for Other People Sadness
Tulsi Gabbard Tells the Truth About Kamala Harris
The Truth about Jews and the Porn Industry
Bill Gates Juggles & Squirms When Asked About Vaccine Safety
United States Senate
BREAKING: Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes near Croatian capital Zagreb
1958 encyclopedia admits they found the dome

The world at this point is about gang banging. If you don't join a gang and try to be independent, you are easy prey for the killer sheeple gangs. It all a lesser evil, choose the best side deal. In reality no one can represent you and your ideas and interest better than you, but 'modern' society dictates that you acquiesce to surrender certain levels of control for access to goods and services that you can't (don't want to) create, being on your own in nature.

It's depressing the number of people who are desperately waiting to be told what to think by the TV and the media.
People actually believe this is going to be over by April. Actually this is just the start of a long string of scamdemics that will be used to enforce government power and destroy lives and liberty. They are already planning for the next one. YOUR GUY is just as compromised and corrupt as every other politician up there. Same goes for your media guy. They all work together to ROB US. It's laughably NAIVE to believe you can "control" this system with your stupid vote.