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Tony Byker - 'I Drank Your Poison'

Tony Byker
Tony Byker - 306 Views
Published on 06 Apr 2023 / In News and Politics

Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp
Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots

I can’t let go
I can’t move on
I loved your warm embrace
Engulfed me oh so long
Others didn’t understand
How much you meant to me
They longed to be free
But with you I am complete
They said you weren’t real
But for me you were my everything
Even though I couldn’t breathe
Your gift just kept giving me
A sense of security
Purpose, goal
Meaning to my empty existence.
They warned your poisoned arrow
The signs I ignored blindly
And now my heart is broken
No turning back
My blood is frozen
Even though I know you hurt me
And the truth is right before my eyes
I can’t see cos my mind is blinded
I’m hypnotised and I drank your poison

A love song from a true devoted Covidian Cultist to their beloved magical imaginary disease that became their focus and solace for 3 years. A victim to a lifetime of Hollywood viral contagion brainwashing and media propaganda, and unable to let go of this precious new make-believe friend. Throughout this whole Scamdemic all the truthful information was available, and so many people were shouting warnings from the rooftops about the coming needle, but deep psychological trauma kept them holding onto such a belief, wanting it so badly to be true, to be part of history in the making. Yet begging for a solution, they gladly took the pharmakeia magic potion, the precious elixir, that was nothing but a useless poison Clotshot in disguise.

This Convid Scamdemic is the biggest psychological operation in human history. The majority of humanity fell for it hook line and sinker.
Convid elevated common folk to hero status by simply avoiding work, staying home and doing nothing, masked warriors fighting together to save humanity, armed with hand sanitizer. Pathetic nobodies could become righteous saviours. Taking away this precious virus from a devoted Covidian Cultist leaves a gaping hole in their already empty lives.

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gang 2 years ago

smoke her flower instead

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