TLAV The Lancet Admits Its A Pandemic of The Vaccinated COVID19mp4.mp4
LAV The Lancet Admits Its A Pandemic of The Vaccinated COVID19--- which really stands for Cerification Of Vaccine ID - 19 in Gematria = [AI]

There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19. Any hospital administrator who mandated the shots to employees to comply with the government mandate for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement and who refused to allow alternative treatments to be tried, doctors who pushed their patients to take the EUA drug without giving fully informed consent, anyone who forcefully administered the shot, the AMA, AAP, Boards of Health, CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, scientists who participated in the development, Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astra Zeneca,, anyone who pushed the sick into nursing homes resulting in deaths, all must be arrested, prosecuted, tried and if found guilty sentenced to prolonged imprisonment and fines or death for intentional homicide. Get your ivermectin before it is too late!

For the Public THINKING about taking the JAB....YOU WILL NOT GET A SALINE SHOT !! and the SHOT you will Get, Would be, The SUICIDE..Russian-Roulette shot

Ever wonder Why ALL Vaccinated People are not sick Bad, and dead? Moderna, J&J, and Fyza..Have Stategicly Placed Vaccines..1-3 or more...#1 is nothing more than Saline...Like the same shot Moron Biden took in front of the Public, Right up to the absolute KILLER..spread Strategically through out the World..Targeting The Most healthy..such as Athletes / Patriots in Important Places....WHY?
Because If they Started with the Lethal shot for everyone....The Game would have Been all Washed UP 2 years AGO!!
Even STUPID People Would not take the Vax, watching People drop dead all around them!!