TLAV India COVID19 Kits With Ivermectin Given 1-17-22 Show
TLAV India COVID19 Kits With Ivermectin Given 1-17-22 Show
The Last American Vagabond
C19 Isolation Kits India 01/17/22

Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 the Green Washing of SDG for Stake Holders in their Suits and Ties and Skirts on our LOCAL NEWS Television Screens…
You deserve too suffer, you deserve to be sick, and you DESERVE birth Defect babies done in the Time Honored MUD FLOOD WARS of USA USA USA Capitalism "of and for" Capitalism Sake!!!
Recently my Students......., and Professor Challengers at Our {FLAT EARTH} Magical Academies we learned about Hello-fresh: Ice Block' Frozen` PLASTIC Slurry........., a clear Goop and Glop called [COLD PACKS] that you best not eat, nor drink, or even allow too TOUCH your skin…
We know them Jumbo Jets (SPRAYING) the Skies with their Con-Artist Snake Oil Salesmen CHEMICALS of "Toxic Waste" that we all breath are the True source of (COVID-19) be you call it the Waters Falls from the Mountains in the Heavens to the Delta [PLUS] of much more muck and slime and sewage in our Water from [Plastic] +=+ Laundry Soaps / Dishwasher Soaps / Tooth Paste of Plastics that your Put into your Child's Mouth, and the Anti-Septic {Mouth Wash} to make sure you and your husband all have Omicron of and for the Polyester Polymers 1950's to 1970’s Days gone by…
And of course we all know about the [Fake] [{**}] Jews of Hollywood From the Book of Revelation that (Hate) THEIR G.O.D. of Day 1 and Day 3 and Day 6 in the Old Testament GOSPEL from the {Book of Genesis} [{*}] where along those ink on paper Written Works {Our God} of we the Real JEWS in the Book of Revelation: know WAR IS MURDER` and murder' is a way too [SILENCE] we the people whom say: Wait A Minuet you can’t do WAR GAMES when the World is Globally Warming!!!!
N.O.W. just because WE ARE and THEY LIVE [is and are] in Purgatory too know: Whom Done What in the Days of Noah 2022 CE called The Wheat, and The Tares by the Jew whom did not KNOW he was a JEW that Dead Graven "Idol" called a Human MALE on a Crucifixion........, how many Deadly Chemicals are put into OUR MOTHER HEAVEN, and OUR FATHER EARTH from the [TEN COMMANDMENTS] +=+ when you "Volunteer" too MURDER moms and dads, and their children.?.?.?.?.?
What of all the (plastic) TOYS and Toys and toys from 1953 till right here and N.O.W. in 2023, and beyond to the {END OF THE WORLD} and this Purgatorial called the Purgatorium come 2093 CE into 2094 CE at the End of Time` and Days' in that Holy Living Biblical???
IF Youm made it this far my {NON-MASON} in what youm read about what that FREE MASON Lodge has done for CORPORATIONS, and you have read in this "Legal" COURT OF RULE OF LAW (Public Domain) Declaration and Proclamation of WAR CRIMES: by all Corporations' and their INTERNATIONALIST` in our Time Line of 2022 called TED Talk Futurist from the Future of 2045 and 2077 using NATO Space Force Military (INVASION) Forces of U.N. Troops on all U.S. Militant Combatant Back Wards FLAG Patches!!!
Thence, Look at the "clothing" you’m are wearing….
Do you know why [CORPORATIONS] and the U.S. Militants of Combatants want and have to do {WAR GAMES} it is only too dispose of Toxic Plastic Materials causing the (Birth Defects) in your Make up, and Cosmetics of VANITY, and Vogue from the Book of Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes!!!!!
Your clothing, and bedding, and carpets from drapes to "any" Clothing Item like the Bundling Clothing for your Baby Jesus’s aka Baby Angels, and your Baby Satan’s aka Baby Demons….
Do you see now why everyone has gone "insane" in these {Days of Noah} ONE LAST TIME????
Everyone is poisoned..., and so are you!!!
#Trixyblue ?