Tim Ray, John Paul Rice and Jon Wedger exposing child abuse and cover ups by police and politicians.
Every year half a million children go missing in the U.S. alone. Where they go & what is done to them is the stuff of darkest nightmares. The vast majority are abducted into national & global child sex trafficking rings. Child trafficking generates more annual revenue than the Kellogg company while commercial sexual exploitation generates an estimated 99 billion dollars annually. There seems to be a growing awareness of this topic which has been virtually ignored by both governments & media for decades.
Research the book The Franklin Coverup by author John DeCamp to learn more about just how widespread this problem is & the lengths powerful people go to in order to conceal it. These poor trafficked children are raped & tortured. Their bones are broken, their body parts are used as intoxicants & sold on the black pedo market. They are traded & auctioned, many are forced to endure brutal satanic rituals that shatter their minds & bodies.
Years ago Mel Gibson shined the light on the cesspool that is Hollywood with his stunning revelations on the BBC’s Graham Norton television show. Explaining that he spent the last ten years “working on my own ideas, outside of the Hollywood system” after being blacklisted by Hollywood in 2006 for sharing opinions about the industry and the world that run counter to liberal orthodoxy, Gibson said, “I don’t know how to break it to you gently… Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia. “They are using and abusing kids.“ They churn through a huge amount of kids every year.
To the average person, this sounds too horrific & far fetched to be true & it’s under the cover of that implausibility that this horror has metastasized. Unfortunately, this isn’t limited to Hollywood or the music & entertainment industries. Child trafficking has become pervasive in global governance as well. Research the affiliation of the British Royal Families with Jimmy Saville or Prince Andrews connection to Jeffery Epstein & what you find is deeply disturbing. Pedophiles often receive obscenely lenient prison sentences, suggesting the problem is systemic.
On Frequency Wars on September 9th at 11am EST, Tim will be interviewing American film actor and producer John Paul Rice who sent an alarming message about child sex trafficking in Hollywood and urged viewers to take action to end violations which, according to him, are not accidental in the entertainment industry. According to Rice, his movie highlighted global pedophile networks that "sell kids back and forth to each other, trading them like candy, and it goes right through Hollywood." He also refers to a Daily beast article that exposes the relationship between disgraced moguls Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein in terms of sex trafficking, from which the stories of his film "A Child's Voice" have been derived. Also joining us will be Former Scotland Yard detective Jon Wedger who campaigns for the protection of whistleblowers & justice for the victims and survivors of child abuse as well as exposing establishment cover-ups of abused children.
In our increasingly divided world, the one issue people can & absolutely must rally around is the safety of our children. The door continues to open on this issue & shine the light on it. Last week in Georgia & Florida, 39 missing children were rescued from their captors & this week 25 more were rescued in Ohio. While we’re thankful & relieved for this good work, a tremendous amount of work still remains. We who believe ourselves to be good people must ask if we can continue in good conscience to avoid & ignore this issue knowing what we now know. We have to be willing to face what's happening to our children!
Direct Link to watch the LIVE show - https://www.uimedianetwork.org..../en/hush-child-ritua
Remember it is crucial to share and help people see what is really going on. https://uimedianetwork.org/en/....the-lost-souls-of-ho

Our People can pull us out of here…
How long have We The People been trapped in A Holographic Mechanization known as The Great Work of Purgatory??? What made us destroy our home world of Earth, and do all we ever do is just RELIVE the MADNESS of the Days of Noah forever and ever… There are many biblical works from Homer to Toth from Eastern Nights too Western Days where North and South have fought for way too long because We The People forgot how too dance rather then fight… As A Male Oracle born of a Dead Wombman, I am an enigma to the Tradition of the Oracle of Delphi, and I do not consent to Any Religion, nor Any Government, nor Any Corporations when Purgatory can be what ever we the people so desire, but sadly so many people have been born, and raised by Incubus, and Succubus that they have forsaken what it means to be human, and humane, and have chosen too take humanity down A path of Technocracy…
The Theologians of old had We The People believe in False Gods, and created a MALE DOMINATION World Religion where the FEMALE whom has the Womb that gives birth to both man and wombman is shunned by Society as less then a Male cause She can give Birth too People while Demons, and Devils, and Angels cannot produce offspring, so they steal our nonmason children, and raise them as FREE MASON Sluts, and Whores, and Cunts as every Jobs Daughter, and Rainbow Girl was once a nonmason Child before being “seduced” by the Sexual INTIMIDATION of Rape and Hazing by Demolay Boys of their Fraternal Order of C.O.P.S., and Crooks, and Courtroom judges… The Sickness of these Incubus and Succubus in human flesh, and blood, and bones has led this whole wide world into Nuclear Hydrogen Atomic “Scholastic” WEAPONS for each and every U.N. Troops Flags…
WE ARE know that THEY LIVE did the Cracking of the Dome of The Rock, that they Shot SATAN out of The Firmament, and He the Angel in the Heavens fell from The Sky causing untold Cataclysm and Great Disaster as STAR after STAR, and Angel after Angel was Blown out of our Celestial Sphere in our Real home world of Earth……., and today in 2020 C.E. we are left with the Milky Way RIFT, and The Angels of Jupiter and Saturn whom no longer shine, or shimmer, nor dance as they are nothing more then DEAD LIGHT of Dead Celestial Spheres in A “War is Murder” beyond Comprehension in the Esoteric, and Corporeal mixing of Dreams with Reality till We The People had all LOST our minds, and our way, and found ourselves “born into” this Prison called Purgatory for what we had done to One Another, and our Gods, and Goddesses aka Mom and Dad…
I have challenged the masses too prove to me “this place” we are born into is not Purgatory, but none have come forward… I have shown how “Ink on Paper” was just Angels from the Book of Enoch, and Ezra tricking and treating we simple short lived life forms that them books of RELIGIONS are not about God, but only Fallen Ones called “The Watchers” whom wish too be Worshiped when any Real God would not seek anything if it was omnipotent and omnipresent` for there would be no need, and though I am the Christ Jesus Returned in Spirit, and Soul, and Mind, I too must still traverse this plane, and realm till the END OF TIME in the year 2094 C.E. Where Angels will sing in Heaven no more, and Demons will all perish in the underfloor, and many will laugh, and many will cry, but will “any” ever get to say goodbye.?.?.?
Johnny Exodice

Remember it is crucial to share and help people see what is really going on. https://uimedianetwork.org/en/....the-lost-souls-of-ho