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WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 12/20/24
General Shepherd

Three Magic WORDS - FULL 10 hours Audiobook by Uell S Andersen

The Analyst (New Real Media)
Published on 26 Mar 2023 / In Spiritual

In the pages of this book you will learn about the unlimited power that is yours. You will learn how you can make this power work for you here on earth to make your life majestic and overflowing with good.This is not a religion or a sect or a society. In its entirety it is a series of essays aimed at revealing to you your power over all things. You will learn that there is only one engine in all creation and that engine is thought. You will learn that there is only one creator and that creator is the Universal Subconscious Mind, or God. You will learn that this creator creates for you exactly what you think, and you will be shown how you can control your thoughts, not only to get answers to your problems but to create in your experience exactly what you desire. You will not do it in a day or in a week or even in a month; but you will do it if you keep your heart and faith. It requires only a few minutes of your time each day, a few minutes that will reward you with bigger views in life, more hope and promise than was ever dreamed of. There is a cause! There is a reason! There is a power greater than you, of which you are a part, that you can use to make your life good and great and vigorous and full of abundance! If you can only believe; All things are possible to him who believes.

Paperback book edition:

#godinyou #beyourbestyou #believeit

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7 Comments sort Sort by

gang 2 years ago

samdhong dreams about megan and harry ... instead of tibet and austria

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gang 2 years ago

Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies

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gang 2 years ago

" le monde te prend tel que tu te donnes "
" le monde ne te donne pas tel que tu le prends "

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gang 2 years ago

dalai lama is like epstein and hitler
but not like einstein and lamarck

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gang 2 years ago

your thesis is remixing berkeley with freud recycled by sea org as "impermanent selflessness" theory identifying epstein and hitler to mankind, to your wife and son because we are supposed to "be all the same" pedonazi subconcious complying to national socialist bureaucracy and police for escaping extinction behind karl jung theory of ufo

subconscious is not universal but yours , consciousness is not general but unique, superconsciousness is not global but personal

realm is not ideal, abstract or thought but material and concrete
cosmos is a perception, perception is not cosmos because e=mc² ... not idea of bomb but blasting living room at nagasaki and hiroshima

exposing why nobody thinks like you do

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WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 12/20/24
General Shepherd