Threatened by the Illumnati | Jessie Czebotar describes Children Enslaved in Underground Tunnels
At age 4, Jessie was forced into satanic training with the Illuminati and to become successor of the Queen Mother of Darkness.
Jessie was saved by the Lords spirit and managed to escape her position in the System. In 2019, she started sharing her experiences. Her goal is to reach the other captives of the System who fell victim, and show them a Way Out.
In this video Chaplain Jessie Czebotar discusses being hunted down by Glamis Calling. She'll explain the World Governing Council and how it relates to the "system".
Jessie explains the danger of the illegal immigrant's being untraceable, and how they may never be seen again once they reach the US, and lost in the human trafficking nightmare. These children must be saved!
She talks about Bohemian Grove and the tunnels systems under the ritual site and places around the world. We learn that people hav been enslaved underground for life by the Luciferian system to serve them.
See more of Jessie's work:
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llumnati Trafficked Children Satanic Rituals