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Thousands Of McDonalds Employees Get The McShaft

KeepItMovin - 98 Views
Published on 11 Jun 2024 / In News and Politics

Fast food prices are out of control as fast food prices going up causes McDonalds to fired over 10,000 employees following Gavin Newsom forcing all fast food places to raise their pay for employees to $20 and hour. This is causing mass layoffs and closures in stores like burger king, and more, most notable, however, has been the massive amount of layoffs. Over 1,200 Pizza Hut drivers have had announced lay-offs, and were replaced by services such as DoorDash and Uber Eats. Roundtable Pizza has also done the same with many of their delivery drivers, with many other chains also quietly doing the same for deliveries in the following months, as seen by the jump of fast food businesses on food delivery sites.
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