This News Anchor Reported A Serious Accident Live On Air Then She Realized It Was Her Husband’s Car
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On one day in April 2017, Supreet Kaur was anchoring her usual broadcast on IBC24 when she received breaking news of a fatal car accident. Five people were involved in the two-vehicle collision, which had left two injured and three dead. But as she was reporting the details of the incident, the horrific truth suddenly dawned on the journalist: one of the casualties was her very own husband.
Specifically, an SUV had slammed into a truck in the Indian town of Pithora. And as Kaur reported on the collision, she touched base with a reporter who had arrived at the scene. The journalist on the ground naturally began to describe the area and the cars involved. But as the details unfolded, Kaur started to worry about her husband, since she knew he had been in the area at the time. Even more disturbingly, he had been driving the same make of car as that being described by the reporter.
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Meanwhile, the reporter on the scene actually knew that one of the casualties was Kaur’s husband, but she avoided naming the victims on air. She did, however, give a good enough description of the area and the vehicles for Kaur to figure out that one of the casualties was probably her husband, Harshad Kawade.
It was news that would have rocked anyone to the core. And yet, incredibly, Kaur’s reaction was nonexistent to the untrained eye. In fact, her voice barely wavered, and she kept a steady tone throughout the completion of the broadcast. And now her ability to remain calm, and to deliver the report professionally without stumbling over the words or breaking down with emotion, is being heralded as a remarkable feat.
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