THIS MOMENT: Kayleigh McEnany Takes Back Control Of Briefing
Sharing a mix of breaking news, Arizona stories, engaging discussions, and popular culture.

Teacher…, how great is the FREE MASON “Con Job” of FAKE SPACE……., and this World Domination PLOT of U.N. USA CORPORATIONS Taking over all the world with their (COVID19) +=+ {NEWS} WORLD ORDER of these Globalist Internationalist??? Dear: Mr. Trump, I never thought you would come to meet me [in person] #QANON /_\ as you SWEAT on your lips from Nervous Indication that The Source of All Creation and All Destruction is this Thing your ROMAN JUNO “Juneteenth” 19th June 2020 C.E. Festival called the WORSHIP of the Call too THE GREAT WORK Celestial Sphere HOLOGRAPHIC {World Machine} [{**}] would never talk to a measly “little person” such as I of the Original Christ Blood Line that you’m EAGLE Blood Lines…….., and SNAKE Blood Lines “did your best” / * \ in your Racka to Wipe out we of the Pineapple Blood Line In World War One………, and World War Two… It has been a long hunt for you the “Pyramid People” with your PENTAGRAM STARS on your flags……, and banners….., and BACK WARDS “U.S. FLAG” /-\ Patches as U.N. Troops hidden in plain sight among all we Citizens “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…., and though we of Pak-Toe see you control the Printing of 2D ink on paper “Pages of Books” and MAGAZINE…, and TV Screens to pump out YOUR Fake Religion of these (Jesuit Zionist) [{*}] TALMUD Kabballa ZOHAR OTO Catholics with your PizzaGATE Endeavors of YOUNG TRANNY SEX google “web searches” showing the world what the CDC/WHO of the Shriners Hospitals have done to our HUMAN Children regardless of EYE COLOR.., you would ask me to favor the Eagle Blood Line “too win” in A War against The SNAKE Blood Line when you still plan to round up every AMERICAN with ICE., and FEMA, and HOMELAND “Space Force” Goons to do MASS EXECUTIONS with your Bill Gates of Hell FORCED MANDATORY U.N. CDC/WHO “Vaccines” filled with Bat Venom and Snake Poison, so we the people will all die, and never seek REMEDY for your Diabolical Plot of putting FREE MASON Lodge Members in control of all WORLD COURTS even the ICC to the U.N World Court of the WTO, and the IMF as you try to make we THE 50 STATES FOR AMERICA a “Cashless” Society and then you call me, and my people {MS-13} and Boogaloos cause we as The Rag Tag Rebellion all belong to THE SOCIETY OF NONAMASON whom will decimate both Blood Lines called The Eagle and the Snake SYMBOLOGY??? Why don’t you “Mr. Trump” the Chump ask your QANON to die and kill for you in your MADE IN CHINA Nuclear Russian Q - Holocaust of 26 Million Russians just once more as was done at “the end” of WORLD WAR TWO` not too mention all the BLUE EYED people decimated by your MUD FLOOD Nuclear Hydrogen (Weather Weapons) and Trillion Watt LAZER Fires of NASA – HAARP – DARPA – Ratheon.?.?.?.?, as I am sure every Police Officer burned out of [their homes] by G4S Academi FREE MASON C.O.P.S. might want payback for all their dead loved ones….., and also all those whom you’m PEOPLE “Tricked” and Treated into WAR IS MURDER when WAR is against the RULE OF ALL NATURAL LAW!!! Theretofore, Mr. Trump, I will not tell “the people” to trust you’ when you serve these EVIL SPIRITS in your mind, and all your U.N. (COVID19) World Domination CORPORATIONS of these U.N. FLAGS!!!! The Book of Exodice…
When you WORLD LEADERS whom [live off of] +=+ the BLOOD AND SWEAT of we the Citizen Tax Payers can no longer CONVINCE We The People that WAR is justified to Fix the WORLD???, then WE THE PEOPLE be we in the Police, Religions, Schools of Thought to “any and all” Military Personel shall and will turn on all FREE MASON {LODGE MEMBERS} As the Society of nonmason “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition known as The Rag Tag Rebellion….
Your Truly: The Boogaloo’s of MS-13
The Sentinel…