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This Is The Video CNN’s Jim Acosta Hopes You Don’t Watch

Infowars - 266,697 Views
Published on 09 Nov 2018 / In

Alex Jones presents video footage that clearly confirms the actions of CNN's disgraced reporter, Jim Acosta, as he attempts to forcefully wrestle the White House Press Briefing microphone away from one of the moderators of the journalists' gathering.

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kevskinguknow 1 year ago

Watch this video this is what Bill Gates is up to

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kevskinguknow 1 year ago
Tell the truth-being American
Vatican Cannon law

Claim of Right and Notice of Intent

"I am a living spirit and child of God. His laws subrogate all of man’s codes, regulations, laws and statutes. I live in the truth, abundance and peace of His ways. I am ineligible for the benefits of man’s system. I do not understand the complexities and deceptions of man’s laws. I do not understand or consent to corporate governance and greed. God’s creation is unlimited abundant and giving. His path is righteous, peaceful and all loving. His Spirit inspires and guides me to do no harm and to avoid fraud in all my contracts."

It's a biblical thing it's not made up I can't believe the stupidity of the people of America well that's why there not Americans but they are united states citizen of a private corporation and they all work for the government as a slave through taxes which is not lawful but the federal approved textbooks in the schools teach us how to be under there authority and believing that we are free here, look it's time for Americans to wake up

What has been done without the Americans knowledge


I can tell you this we are not going to come at the courts with violence we are going to correct what the government created with the people of America they are claiming to be our parent's and they teach us to be under there authority and registered us as a foreign corporation that works for the government well I will only come in peace to change my status and claim my minor account I respect authority and will not give law enforcement agencies any shit I have much respect for them they where done the same as me and they also have a birth certificate that is registered at the state treasury as well and they have a trust account to, every united states citizen does and now we have to undo what has been done and become true Americans for the first time change are status and claim our minor account that's all we have to do God is calling for kings and God's law is unlenable. that what is law is unlawful it is against God's law they are doing to much and have been doing to much it's time for the people to stand and change there status and know who you are you got to learn how to do it and not come at them in violence if you do then you need to be locked up I wish no hurt or harm to anyone in law because they are needed and they put there life on the line at times and I hope and pray they get to go home to there love ones it's a shame that there are people out there that does do stupid shit. I am not mad at what they have created it was brilliant if you ask me it's just greed and power over the people that is going to far and that's not right we need Donald Trump in office this is his movement and if the people don't see what he has done for us Americans then they deserve to stay registered as united states citizen which is nothing to do with a State National American you are a foreign entity period know what has been done and correct it and change your status and claim your minor account and leave it where it is just ask for a debit credit card to have access to it but keep it where it is because they manage it very well they proven that and you never know when you might need it to be used for your benefit in the courts and it much easier to let them take a couple million because in a year there will be 10 million brought back in so given a few million isn't going to hurt you none. For me when I die the goverment can keep what is left of it which should be a whole shit load left because I would create assets with it then leave it alone so I wouldn't care what they do with it when I am dead and gone but property will go to family anything I create will go to family as long as my family has access to there account as well and a couple of other things I would get right off the top is a home and an automobile so I can take care of my private affairs.

There are two birth certificates one went to human resources for medical records the live birth went to the State treasury department were they created a vessel and that which they created they control
After you get your birth certificate authenticated with all three seals and an affidavit attached to it you need to get it publicly published notarized and then open up a case at a federal probate court where you can appoint the county clerk to appoint you a trustee to your cestui que vie trust account like a federal probate judge and have her to give you what ever it takes to give you a debit credit card you would want to 0 it on the public side wipe out all debt you cumulated on yourself and pay the initial loan that created this then open it up on the private side to have access to your account and when you opened the case you should have gotten a cusip # that number gives them access to your account the county clerk knows how it all works and they will have to do it they can't throw it out because you got it publicly published and notarized its how it is done and before you go to court you also want to have your State national American passport you have to get it where they issue them you can't get it at the post office if you do they will give you a united states citizen passport because of policy processing they do over and over again
Learn how to change your status and claim your minor account

Citizens status

Authenticating birth certificate

You are law
When I said I can't believe the stupidity of the people of America I am talking about the ones who don't want to hear about this and want nothing to do with this information and believe it or not there are many that don't want to hear it trust me because I tell everyone about this that I come across I have been listening to this stuff and reading this stuff for 6 years now everyday if I don't learn something about this or anything to do with law it's a wasted day and that just how I feel about it

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kevskinguknow 1 year ago

Georgia Stonehenge

Georgia Stonehenge taken down

Every united states citizen needs to know united states is a private owned corporation by the royal blood line families the banking cartels of the world

I know bull-shit when I hear it, I know this is not bull-shit I know people by there work and Jordan Maxwell shows his work is true but the et he is talking about are the man made one's now he was either trying to protect his friends or he was threatened to say what he did about the et or if it was what he really believed. You make that call just know Dr.Steven Greer Put his life on the line and they both are speaking of the power over this country are the same so I don't know how else to let people know how we need to get this country back in control of the money spent and know where it is going and not out to finance and directed this whole world against each other for the gas and oil and using our military to take it over and we don't benefit from it. It's time for America to wake up

the pope is claiming our soul prints from birth before they ever hit the ground

My name is Kevin Harmoning I am homeless and broke and I am not selling anything it's free to everyone that wants the knowledge so if anything that you go to from here that I post in this has something for people to join it's not anything to do with me The links are not mine :Jordan Maxwell has passed on and Dr. Steven Greer is still with us

Read everything I typed in here then watch all the video's and then you will understand what I am saying there are trillions of dollar's unaccounted because of these government buildings here that the citizens of America are operating procedures and policies process that they have know idea what they are doing

The first video is the guy not to trust what he is saying wouldn't have a conference call with Dr.Steven Greer

I started working on this at age 43 when Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Harvey Dent was talking about TDA account and they were sentence to 4 years in federal prison putting this out there, they to shouldn't be forgotten about.They never did do the four years in federal prison because they didn't except there public defender and they didn't sign anything. I heard about our birth certificate on the world stock exchange when I was 19 and it was from Jordan Maxwell I heard it from but I didn't know who he was and didn't remember his name but anyway I didn't know anything so I felt desperately in need to tell people about it back when I was 19 but had no idea how or even were to begin and I was looked at like I was crazy and that's because I was ignorant about it all, so when Heather and Harvey did this on YouTube, boy was I, just so excited to tell everyone and share it but still was stupid about it but I knew there was going to be no stopping it and that's what I did know and I would share Jordan Maxwells teaching and thought that would be enough, but I seen that it wasn't and then I started getting all these money making thing online and now lifestyle came up a few times the thing is this isn't what I was wanting to do for some reason it kept trying to get me over to make money it was pissing me off because I didn't care about the money really so I played into it and now lifestyle hit home with me because what I went through in my life so I got to know alot about it and I went as far as writing a bank knowing they would give the money and also knowing I wouldn't be able to except it because no ID and then I ended up making it hard for myself to get my ID because I left out the e in my middle name at DMV and gave them the wrong address to send the ID because I was afraid if I did do it and made money then would I have put this together for everyone's attention of how deep this is well it took me 6 year and I knew there was no way to stop it from coming out for everyone to see and there was no way anyone can deny it the only thing is going to come out of this is people's eye's will be opened or they will be in denial period so I hope you learn this and know it's other people's work that gave the answer

It took 6 years to put together to show this by not my work but other people's work because I couldn't, because I was just as ignorant as everyone else, I knew this but couldn't tell any one because I didn't know how it was being done all I needed was the way it happen and were it started and were it was being controlled in power and it revealed itself to me

The American citizens that are not Americans but governments childern have to see that first and let you know that religion systems believe and don't know anything and as long as they are stuck in that belief then how can you be able to get in the manner of consciousness awareness that is knowing of anything, get out of belief and not know is the first thing that needs to be recognize and how it was used to keep everyone of us to be blind.

This is true every American citizens have a birth certificate and the schools are federal approved textbooks that teach the governments childern which on record of the birth certificate that was noted at the state treasury that every American citizen is filed and created by government that's where the trust account was created and every person now is governments child and our parents are just our Guardian and not our parents government is and this was done when slavery was supposed to have ended but in fact the president said for every slave turned over to the state treasury will get 6% and when that happened they also had the hospitals turn in a birth certificate of live birth records to be given to the states treasury and that would be then proving that you are citizen of the corporation united states citizen of the business and understanding that every American that used to be a true Americans are now belong to government and taxes are forced on us when it never should of happened a because all Americans where fooled into this bill of birth certificate was really something that is turning out to be discovered to being dishonorable and it's so blinded that the American people are running the government buildings here don't know what is going on and it's procedures and policies process that these places have no idea what they are even doing they don't even know about a trust account that was created by birth and know this school systems and religion systems and law systems have one thing in common they go by there own dictionary and school's system and religion system are designed to keep us ignorant of how thing's are operating in the courts and our birth certificate is a trust account is a remedy that is without perjury knowing or unknowingly do you give up that right and we are told that is saying the deal we take is the remedy and the courts are not responsible for anything that you agree to the courts are not held accountable for the transaction that takes place in court, and we all say yes because we look at things of what's being said as the face value for what we were taught were in fact that's were we fuck up and what should of been used for our benefit is now being used for the courts benefit because you just gave them authority to do so and you need to know that it's nothing personal like we think it is it's just business and that the courts are operating under admiralty law UCC1 the law of the high sea that's why we need to educate our self and know what the black law dictionary is meaning and when you come to court with a lawyer that is telling the courts that you are an invent and not capable of handling your own affairs so they are going to handle it for you and you think the attorney is working for you and yes they are but only at the level that you understand and that's personal and they really are operating for the courts they are award of the court and you know lawyers I believe don't even really understand what is going on because they to have a birth certificate and are the government child as well this I do know is a breach of Trust is a big deal in America so if you come in a court room and you address the courts as the age of majority and that you are there to settle this case and you are capable of handling your own affairs and you want the judge to handle this in your benefit and you are well aware of the courts being the trustee of the trust account that your birth certificate is proof enough as the beneficiary and if the courts do not see you in this manner then you wish to go no further into this case and with that said the judge will dismiss any case that is dealing with debt because the fact is not deny able of the birth certificate that we have is a trust knowing or unknowingly every citizen of the United States has a trust account in there name and you can look it up there is records of it and it's on the world stock exchange the birth certificate has red numbers on the back of it and you can call the world's stock exchange and read off the numbers to them and they will tell you how much your birth certificate is worth to the stock exchange now how many American people know this not very many it's time for American people to stand up and take claim of what used to be American and take back control of your live birth that this government has and is claiming to be and that's they are claiming to be our parent's and look into who I believe to be a hero that needs to be really recognized and That is Dr. STEVEN GREER... the last video's just thrown in for fun

Learn how to change your status and claim your minor account


you are law

Jordan Maxwell

RIP you will be remembered

Dr.Steven Greer

Linda Moulton

Best for last

Tom Macdonald

In justice for all

Brother hood of the snake

News media

Open your eyes

Children of the next level

Fly alone

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Constitutionalist Realist

The State-run Propaganda Press is part of the Marxist Mob trying to destroy America.

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ih8all_democraps 2 years ago

cnn is dead

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