obedience, All Germany needed. All we need are the laws God wrote on the hearts and minds of all men when they are born! God can not send anyone to hell if he didn't give them right and wrong written on their hearts and minds in childhood. All we need is a silver dime! All Germany needs is a silver dime! Dime means tithe. Coinage Act of 1792. To use anything other than a silver dime for legal tender is witchcraft. A covenant with the Devil. The silver dime is our covenant with God to obey him and live by his laws written within each person. No one can compromise God's laws and cause the rest of the country to sin. If anyone debases the value of the silver dime they are to suffer death. It is witchcraft. Witches can not be kept alive. It is done by the Holy Spirit with in each person. It is all written in the Coinage Act of 1792. Amos 8, Revelation 6:6 Just Weights and Balances. James 5 An an abomination to use counterfeit money. Each man is responsible to get up, cut down his trees, build his own home. Turn to God obey him and be healed. Don't expect others to build your house, barn, grow your food, or raise your children. God told you man to do all that. You do not have time to work for someone else. You work for God Only. The just shall live by faith alone means the just live only by the laws God has written within them when they are born. Horses are our transportation. Fire wood for cooking and heat. Come out from amongst them. We are no man's slaves!
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness. Mankind has rights to live free independent lives. To own land, get married and obey God. We The People obey God by farming the land, multiplying and raising children with the knowledge of God our Father, Savior living within us. Making Mankind more than mere animals because their creator lives in them. Our "CREATOR" Speaking, communicating with us all day long. God, Jesus sharing his love, power and authority with us. God's power and authority over ALL the elements of the earth. God in man helping him take good care of the earth.
Convicting men of their sins, crimes so they humble themselves before God. Men must stop sinning, (committing crimes), turn to God and become Saints. In a free society all men must live right, and start doing the right thing. Living as good, clean minded men, Good citizens. Men must be honoring God's power and authority in everyone's life. There is only one law giver and that is God. Men should serve God and His laws only. All laws must submit to God's laws.
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