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They Tried To Warn Us (Lost Video From 1984)(360P).mp4

killer boi
killer boi - 2,321,076 Views
Published on 09 Jun 2020 / In Film and Animation

Published on Jun 8, 2020
You should watch this to understand everything happening today.

Featuring: Malcolm X and Yuri Bezmenov.

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John Brown
John Brown 9 days ago

The problem is we live in an Actor Based Reality, as DallasGoldBug proved. MX was just an actor, doing the good cop bad cop routine.

"Malcolm X was Patrice Lumumba fraud"

In 1964 Malcolm X declared Patrice Lumumba "the greatest black man who ever walked the African continent". Now, we know why. The same individual played both roles.

Malcolm X was a fraud played by the same actor that played Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected prime minister of the Congo, after it had won independence from Belgium.

Look at the spouse, look at the ear, and look at the right hand. All evidence stacked up by Ed Chiarini of from wellaware1 (now cyber-sat by a Chinese casino) .

Is what MX said true, yes, sort of because the reality of the situation is MX, Rosa Parks, MLK where all nothing other then actors earning their keep, same Satan worshiping group of people, THINGS, sons of Cain, lizards, whatever name you want to attach to them. They may look "human", but, under the meat masks, they are something else.

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COVID 19 5 months ago

First Ever Film of the Entire Mass Migration Trail - UNITED STATES INVASION ROUTE EXPOSED - The Rubin brothers provide a stunning Muckraker Report **

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Dava Golino
Dava Golino 5 months ago

What is the worst crime here in the States is the so-called truth content creators who say that the deaths a fake. that this is just to bring more Arabs to hurt the white race. they are trying their hardest to make this a racial issue. They call themselves national socialists yet they block out the true history of National socialism which fought against Bolshevism, yes, many European so-called jew were Bolshevik supporters, but many so-called jews in many countries in Europe fought in the NSDAP Military during WW2. Adolf Hitler was NOT a racist. He was a separatist. He tried to help a Nationalist leaders in Palestine and India. He had nationalists in North Africa who were in the SS. BUT PEOPLE WANT TO MAKE THIS A RACIAL OR RELIGIOUS WAR. They are helping the bolshevik zionists in israel by saying this rubbish. THE ONLY THING ABOUT THIS GENOCIDE is it is about RIGHT & WRONG. DEATH & LIFE. The Bolshevik Chabad-Lubavitch so-called jews just can not kill enough white Europeans and other folks of color, too. When they refer to others as goyim that is not about skin color or religion it is about everyone except themselves.

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Dava Golino
Dava Golino 5 months ago

In 1913 the US gave their monetary system to the zionists by making the Federal Reserve and the British transferred power to them by signing the Balfour Declaration, this move set in motion the bolshevik-minded zionist mobsters the ability to murder 117 million in two world wars and the decadent Weimar Republic hellish living style spread like a cancer out of the 1920-1933 Berlin, Germany. this gave the bolshevik zionists a terrorist base of operation in occupied Palestine called israel. They fled to the US and made hollywood which is their main brainwashing tool that influenced the world we see today with hate, division, and immorality. the decadent Weimar Republic was the place where transgender surgeries started, sexual depravity for sale of every kind , mother & daughter prostitution, young boys crossdressing... all the decadence we see today is what the Bolshevik Chabad-Lubavitch so-called jews have spread worldwide.

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JamesRoss 6 months ago

It is interesting to note that "the white liberal" is a cover-name for anyone in the Mystery School Cult(which includes Freemasons and Eastern-Stars and all secret society members including all those non-whites like Prince Hall, too). It is not any better with Yuri Bezmenov calling the Freemason thUggery: "The System"...
Freemasonry and the Cult members comb social media to hide exposer of their control over Western Civilization... and they cull those who are bold enough to discover the truth about their NWO tyranny and try to teach others who is behind most wars and political treachery. I know because the Freemasons have failed to assassinate me for the last 17 years... It will be the same for you because the Creator-God will keep you seeking and exposing the truth until you want to quit. The trick to living through it all is to always resist and never to quit exposing the truth to others.

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