They are killing people because they cannot afford to pay people's pensions
Pension Funds have been drained by the politicians, bankers, lawyers and judges around the world. This is another reason why they are killing us. Yes that means Social Security also. Source: Fat News. More videos you may have missed or want to see:
Crisis in America: Millions of Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

Pension Funds have been drained by the politicians, bankers, lawyers and judges around the world. We have the proof so now we have everything to gain while they have everything to lose !!!! all we need now are Real Men with Balls to fight for justice and freeze our assets from them and jail them for crimes against Humanity after all this is Democracy right in every constitution worldwide except for Socialist and Communist Countries where Fascism is rampant . Is there a World Code to be governed by ? What seems to be the problem?