THEY ARE BUSTED!!! – Circuit boards with parts labeled COV-19 found in 5G towers.
Mary Tanasy - 1,905 Views
Published on 16 Oct 2020 / In Film and Animation
THEY ARE BUSTED!!! – Circuit boards with parts labelled COV-19 found in 5G towers to KILL the populations,
{URGENT} watch :shakinmyhead prod., plandemic! it shows all they're plans on they're own site! been planning this 50 years! all countries involved! watch now! (THEY DISOBEYED OUR CONSTITUTION)
Our leaders Wilfully Declared War on the Populations. It’s Far time that everyone Round them up and charge all of the for Treason.
From: Originally: Logic Before Authority & shakinmyhead prod before the satanic enemy took it down.
BAM! It's On The Circuit Boards! I Told You! #OperationRadiation
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