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Their NWO-Trap Is Getting Ready To Kill You

JamesRoss - 32 Views
Published on 24 Oct 2024 / In Spiritual

But if you have done your homework, you will realize that you cannot be murdered by any thUg.

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JamesRoss 4 hours ago

I don't trust SGT due to his lack of ability to expose the NWO-thUgs... Freemasons, Knights Templar, Jesuits and millions of hidden Luciferians who secretly serve the Homo capensis species, those ancient-monsters that are in the process of extincting humanity with he help of the freemason/Luciferians.

Wow... you are a spiritual-being given the challenge to live in the days where you try to save your people from physical-extinction. You have a spiritual-afterlife which begins immediately after your physical-death. You will not notice when you die unless you are a wicked-soul that deserves to die a hideous death... The wicked are the murderous. They like to prey upon the naive-sheep with gullible-willingness to die for thUgs' needless-greed.
Luciferians are thUgs... they are low-level soul-fragments just like the Homo capensis, ancient monsters who live for thousands of years to terrorize the dumbed-down sheeple into submission.
Humans are beginning to mature to rise-above their fear of terror.
You live in this age of humanity rising above the terrorizing-monsters who rule through technology. A.i. is their tool for terror. The Freemasons and secret-societies are the terrorists who want to rise another Atlantean-Empire... but they are too dumb to realize that murder taints their souls... a taint that they suddenly realize upon experience of physical-death.

The worthy soul-fragments most-likely will not even know that they have physically died while they go-about in their spiritual-"body." If you did your homework, you would figure all this out on your own... but if you read this and say: "How do you know this?" Then it is time for you to read the Sethbooks:

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