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The U.K. is in TROUBLE while Sweden got it right afterall | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

Gee Gee Tee
Gee Gee Tee - 841 Views
Published on 26 Nov 2022 / In News and Politics

Remember when the Western media loved to poke fun of Sweden for refusing lockdowns? Well Sweden may have the last laugh. Not that the country is gloating. They are not and the lead epidiologist said that it would take years to know if their way paid off. But it seems this year, it is paying off. Especially when you consider that countries with strict lockdowns like the UK are experiencing a surge in cancer deaths, shrinking GDP and far less strain on the health care system.

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About Clayton and Natali Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else is telling. Along with the facts and the full picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.


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Pedro-Martin de Clet
Pedro-Martin de Clet 2 years ago

Ukraine used to be called Khazaria = Ashkenazi = most of Adolf Hitlers cabinet = nazis = Khazarian mafia ran the factories mislabeled concentration camps = homicidal impostors = jews by choice, not by blood = converted in 730ad to Judaism = no relation to Abraham = not Semites = but the bolsheviks who between 1900s - 1950s = MURDERED OVER 60 MILLION CHRISTIANS IN RUSSIA Alone.

Wake Up.

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