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The TRUE Philosopher's Stone 🧙🏾 (Part 1)

spirit warrior of the mist man
Published on 02 Apr 2023 / In People and Blogs

The secret of the philosopher Stone has kept us back from excelling, and pursuing the most enlightenment path. The misinformation, told to us as truth has dampered our form of thought, in this life as we currently exist, those we've seen in the past, and the ones that are to come. when understanding of the philosopher's Stone, one understands nature, thus the understanding of one's being, oneself, a part of the whole, the great I am.

as we dive into this part one, on the book of Aquarius, we will understand more about who we are and where we are meant to go, in the age of Aquarius, in the age of enlightenment, in the age of change.

Let wisdom empower our people for ages to come - Toneavii


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