The Sworn Oath of a Police Officer
Before a recruit can become a Police Officer he must take the oath.
It is any officer's PRIME DIRECTIVE!
A #Police Officer took an Oath to protect and defend their Constitution and/or "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" and that includes standing up against those who seek to violate those Rights and Freedoms listed in those documents!
The CORRECT RESPONSE to any order given to those Police Officers... Asking them to VIOLATE THEIR OATH which was given before GOD, is to ARREST THE PERSON ASKING THEM TO VIOLATE THEIR OATH!
If these Officers need the help of the public making these arrests, we WILL be happy to oblige! Because a Tyrannical commanding officer is no better than a tyrannical ELECTED OFFICIAL!
They are BOTH #Tyrants, BOTH are seeking to break the law and violate the country's founding principles! NO PERSON is more worthy of an ARREST!
These politicians and those who are helping them coerce others to BREAK THE LAW and violate their oaths ARE GUILTY OF THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE CRIME IN A SOCIETY! Sometimes..... It's OKAY to arrest your boss!!!
When your boss is guilty of criminal acts!
Because our #Sheriffs and Police are literally our
"LAST LINE OF DEFENSE" against Tyranny!
Because it is very important that your INTEGRITY remain intact! YOUR FREEDOM and everyone else's could hinge on it one day... LIKE TODAY!
Because "All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"