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The Silent War Ep. 6061: Fear the UnVaxxed - Behind the Carrot, Comes the Stick

Nemos News Network
Nemos News Network - 743 Views
Published on 18 Jul 2021 / In News and Politics

In this episode of The Silent War - Governments are not going to back down or make it easy for you to reject the vaccine. They are now turning up the targeting towards the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and censoring and monitoring you. How long until it escalates? Time is running out as the Carrot (Bribery) has officially become the Stick (Coercion) in terms of Vaccination outreach efforts.

Don't miss this episode.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

Does anyone over 33 still REMEMBER All the Faith Healings in the Christian Mega Churches of the 1980's .?.?.? Even though Joel olsteen is the Mega CAPITALIST Anti-Christ, when the WORLD POLICE of the UN TROOPS say there are and is [no cure] Qballs~ /_\ for the Predictive Condition Programming of the (Mindless Masses) [{**}] following the Walking Dead TV Shows hear there is {NO CURE} for the COVID-19......., then the False Christ will return too say: WE CAN HEAL YOU!!!!!! And as we know since We Are the Real Jews from The New Testament Gospels, those whom know "nothing" will give all they own too be cured of the Kovacs Lies Agreed Upon.... Wait and See as 2025 A.D. is only just 4 years away for JADE HELM 15 renamed COVID-19 Depopulation Radiation Microwave Mutations on your hand held Deagel ❣️‼️❣️‼️❣️‼️ Mark of the Beast Cell ??????? Phones where NO ONE will be able too buy, nor sell without one......... ??? The Society of nonmason whom are the Real Jews from The Book of Revelation...... #unvaxxed ?

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