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Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood - 1,427 Views
Published on 29 Oct 2021 / In News and Politics

Part 18: Covid-19: Part 1 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

Awaken Thy Senses!!!

Most people do not believe in God, or the Divine, nor any other “Conception” of a Creator why these Capitalist do not even believe in their Mom and Dad whom gave birth to them, nor their Mother and Father if youm like…

The People of this USA USA USA seek to only look out for “themselves” like every TV Preacher from these Joel Olsteen’s [TYPES] Qballs~ /_\ of the world: too your local Preachers and Imam and Rabbi setting up a 401-K / IRA off of all Your {Church Donations} [{**}] while Children die of Starvation because our Religions tell us to Break the RULE OF LAW that thou (shalt not kill) or allow murder to happen when WAR IS MURDER is all WE THE PEOPLE known and approve!!!

I guess the Source of All Creation, and the Source of All Destruction would only reveal to all of (mankind) +=+ that WE ARE and THEY LIVE are in Purgatory only at the End of an age, and since Christ Jesus 1.0 said to NEVER Trust any “Religion” because all RELIGIONS deny the Existence of God……., and Allah………, and what ever other made up “names” youm might call the Creator and the Destroyer…

However, now that we know every one has “De-Ja-Vu” and you can not have De-Ja-Vu; unless, you have been here before, over, and over, and over…….., and you have done this “before” because you are in PURGATORY, and those people whom say to Kill other Humans because Their FLAG is not our FLAG is just the [Trick or Treat] /-\ of the Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken where all these WAR GAMES of CORPORATIONS are ways for the Rich and {Well to do} [{*}] too pass their time here in PURGATORY for they Deny they were made by a Mother and a Father, so in their minds it is NO BIG DEAL to kill, and rape, and harm, and hurt the Land, the Sea, the Wilde-life from the Birds too the Bees….

If we did not have De-Ja-Vu, I might “believe” in you whom say it is O.K. to let Human Children Starve too Death’ because we want to watch the Superbowl on TV!!!! We want to OCCUPY our 50 National FLAGS with the U.S. Military!!! We want to watch “TV Shows” made by the Fake Jews in the Book of Revelation known as the USA!!! USA!! USA!!! of Hollywood fools, and flakes, and faggots as (Graven) Images of American Idols here in the TEN COMMANDMENTS` in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME….

It is them that “we pay” with our Charity called TAXES TAXES TAXES that lead us to War, and never pave our Roads…. It is those in these Religions called The Mosk, and The Temple, and Churches of the Synagogue of SATAN from the Book of Revelation that “get” our Gifts and Donations to let Children STARVE TOO DEATH in other lands because these U.N. Troops of the World Police of G4S Black Rock and Black Stone Academy SPACE FORCE USA USA USA say A life for a Life!!!!

Or if you’m like, an EYE for an eye, a Tooth for a Tooth, Blood for Blood, and Sin for sin........... aka 11:11 of The Y and K of Number 9 #JANUS

However, these People in our Home towns whom live off of our “Welfare” and Charity send their Children to the FREE MASON Lodges while we NON-MASON their Fellow CITIZENS pay for all things out of Pocket, and yet, NOW there are no more PUBLIC SCHOOLS or Public Works because all things have been Privatized [by these] CORPORATION Internationalist Capitalist whom also live off of our TAXES TAXES TAXES making us NON-MASON pay to do WAR GAMES of WAR IS MURDER when Murder and Killing is and are against the LAW in all INTERNATIONAL COURTS so say their RELIGIONS in all their U.N. FLAGS of U.N. Troops!!!!

We non-mason Are not allowed to Make our “Own things” in our Own COUNTRIES…. We non-mason are not “allowed” to Grow our own food, nor make our own Drink, and in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME may your {De-JA-VU} +=+ let you know God is Real, and your Worship of MONEY and CORPORATIONS and the Graven Images of American "Idols" in the TEN COMMANDMENTS is why the New Testament Gospels was wrote, so you (can not say) on Judgment Day, I did not know better, I did what I was Told, and I was told it is O.K. Too Blow up Children, Kill their Parents, and Murder their Pets, so I can tell them to Buy My Shit of these FAKE JEWS in Hollywood USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! from the Book of Revelation in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME…..

The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition Stratocracy…

The Society of non-mason~


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