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The Relational Approach Dog Trainer Course - Overview

Dale McCluskey
Dale McCluskey - 353 Views
Published on 16 Feb 2021 / In Pets and Animals

On this video I provide an overview of the dog trainer course which is based on a interaction based methodology.

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Suki49 4 years ago

"This video cannot be played. Error Code 224003." Is that just for me, or has someone complained? So far, all the videos I've seen from this source haven't shown the real cruelty they perform behind closed doors and away from the public. But they do sometimes show just the mildest forms, all the while telling you this is necessary. It's all a power trip, once stripped down to it's core. And what they'd love to show you, but are too cowardly to do so (now that animal cruelty laws have more teeth in them) can be found at - If you contact the author, there is much more recent information and footage from K9 "trainers" and all the wannabe's.

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