The REAL Reason why EGG PRICES are RISING (and how we fix it)
Egg prices keep increasing. The price of eggs has got to be very expensive and egg shortages are not helping. Inflation is part of this problem but the main reason being the AVIAN FLU (Bird Flu).
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Family of 5
15 Chickens. 2 Pigs. 2 Dogs. 1 Cat
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So many theories and conspricaies floating around out there. How great would it be to have a transparent Administration

This bullshit needs to their bluff....make them prove it......Stop this phony COVID like scam the Deep State's pushing now to starve America out....We need to make them prove it.....Must have on location lab results with verification by an independent third party lab...stop them by force if need be.....No more cooperation without verifiable proof. STOP THIS NONSENSE NOW.....DON"T BE SO DAMN STUPID......WTFU

Don't be so freaking naive...This bird flu shit is a huge sham again by the Deep State.... They are in cahoots with the authorities and forcing them to slaughter the birds....Total bullshit and we have to stop this horse shit......

Love my eggs! Prices are insane, just like everything else.... thank you current administration

Inflation is a big contributor of the higher prices as feed, etc costs more, but maybe also in part due to higher demand. I know I rarely buy meat anymore due to the high prices, so I am eating more eggs as a cheaper source of protein.... demand goes up, prices go up.