The Potter's Hand: Solomon 5:4 KJV – My beloved put in his hand by the hole
📖 [Listen] Song of Solomon Chapter 5 - KJV
Alexander Scourby - Video Bible With Words
📖 [Read] Song of Solomon 5:4 - KJV Bible
“My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him.”
Brother Joseph Skinner's YT website:

As the Kingdom sets out to diversify its economy away from its traditional income sources, a number of fiscal measures are being implemented on both revenue and expenditure sides to create the fiscal space to finance the specific initiatives outlined in the Vision, which would also support the achievement of the SDGs. The Kingdom will continue to promote the sustainable development not only within its own borders but also in low income and developing countries through the Saudi development and aid programs.
aka Look at what THEY LIVE are doing to Yemen!!!! #TheCrewRRR [{**}]
Regular reviews will be carried out to track the progress of the fulfilment of the Vision's goals, which are firmly aligned to the core tenets of the SDGs. Progress will be gauged from municipal, regional as well as the national levels. This multi-level accountability mechanism, supported by a modern dashboard, will ensure that initiatives are carried out and are well coordinated.
Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 accounts for potential implementation risks. As mentioned, a cross-sectoral monitoring mechanism will ensure that any potential risks are identified early and dealt with accordingly. An early warning system is being prepared. Then, corrective measures could be taken at the opportune moment.