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The Plandemic Series - ALL 3 parts

pacmanpacks - 563 Views
Published on 05 Jun 2023 / In News and Politics

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explore the plandemic series

The Plandemic series is an eye-opening collection of films that dares to explore the untold narratives behind the scenes. The series is accredited for being first to warn the world of the crimes against humanity that are now being brought to light.

00:00:10 : Plandemic 1

The first PLANDEMIC, a 26-minute documentary, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide, setting a historic record. This documentary exposes hidden agendas, questions mainstream narratives, and sparks a global conversation.

00:22:51 : Plandemic 2: Indoctornation

The premiere of PLANDEMIC 2: Indoctornation set streaming records with 2 million viewers attending the global livestream. Journey deeper into the web of deception as Plandemic 2 uncovers the untold stories and exposes the powerful forces manipulating our world.

01:39:14 : Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening

Witness the culmination of truth-seeking as PLANDEMIC 3: The Great Awakening unravels the layers of corruption and unveils a path towards a brighter future. Prepare to be inspired, awakened, and empowered to take a stand for liberty.




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