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The Overt and Covert Intimidation of Brandy Vaughan

WardoRants - 294 Views
Published on 14 Dec 2020 / In Film and Animation

Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep Brandy Vaughan Found Dead After Warning People To Investigate Her Tragedy has struck in the alternative/independent media world as Brandy Vaughan, a well-known drug, health & vaccine safety advocate, and former Merck (pharmaceutical company) representative, was found dead in her home leaving behind a nine year old child who found her. This information comes from multiple friends of Vaughan across social media outlets, as well as Facebook itself, having now posted a note atop her Facebook page.

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Hip Gnosis
Hip Gnosis 4 years ago

vaccines are a great way of culling the brain dead ignorant and dangerously retarded sheep. Its a good thing actually. Only the DUMB need apply

but the desperate murder tactics are a proof of what we are dealing with here

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