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The Next Fake Pandemic Will Be Caused By Implants Causing Cramps and Pain and Stiffness

JamesRoss - 407 Views
Published on 23 Apr 2024 / In Film and Animation

Unwittingly... you sheeple are in the WWIII assault of the NWO-hivemind Luciferian2.0 upon the non-cUlt-sworn people1.0.

Yes, not only do brainchips remote-control the body... they can cause muscle cramps anywhere, pain anywhere in the body, memory loss, vertigo, and like a super-soldier a brainchipzombie does not feel any pain because the mind in unconscious and disconnected from the events of the brain.

Not only does the Ai implant induced pain... The bizarre remote-controlling of many people doing horrible and strange things... Killing others who they have always loved and killing themselves, too... All the sheeple will be confused and afraid of catching the fake DiseaseX. What is really is are all the brainchipzombies coming online to be remote-controlled:
Just like the fake Covid-19 virus... the fake implant-cramps and fake induced-pain causing body spasm and all kinds of strange behavior will be under the control of Ai-Sentient-World-Simulation to simulate and natural pandemic from model to the implanted brainchipzombies and brainchip sleeper assassins.

Horror shows are a Luciferian thing. They hide their hate and selfrighteousness behavior within horror flix.
It is always a life-style of messing with the behavior of the sheeple so that chaos is on the edge of their minds.
This video is hiding Ai voice and thought technology within it.

All wars are rigged. The cold-war was fake, too... it was used to mask the buildup of DUMBs all linked around the entire Earth. US taxes did not go into interbalistic missles... Freemason/Luciferian traitors financed the DUMBS... that is why missile bases are hidden underground... they are entrances to the DUMBs.

Ai covert brainchips are implanted into sheeple for behavior modification like you see in this animation.
DiseaseX will be the joint efforts of the Luciferians and the brainchip Ai attacking the brains of the sheeple. YOu see... zombies are always seeking more brains to eat as a joke by the Freemason/Luciferians upon the dumbed-down sheeple.

But in a deeper sense, the Luciferian minions are the failing souls within the Creator-God's infinite playground.
Everyone is a multidimensional being who has been offered individuality and given the challenge to prove oneself worthy of that individual soul-fragment and to grow that into a soul or to destroy that soul-fragment. There is no Satan... just an ancient wicked branch of homonids called Homo capensis that have used ancient Ai to alter their precious genetics into monsters that live a long time.

Freemasons and secret society Luciferians serve those ancient monsters.
Their plan is to extinct Homo sapiens with the help of the Luciferian minions.

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