The New IRS Policies For 2023 Are Aimed Against The American People But You Can Protect Yourself By Getting Prepared
The New IRS Policies For 2023 Are Aimed Against The American People But You Can Protect Yourself By Getting Prepared

bread is body of american spirit, raisin is blood of american life :
god is cash, not government

4 trillion $ mean 4 trillion bread sticks in 4 billion bakeries supposedly cooking 1 000 breads per night and hiring whole staff running bakery per day

4 trillion $ will get invested on market each year creating wealth and employment
instead of cocooning noxious government betraying people

guy earning 1000 $ and paying 200 $ tax will invest on food and house creating wealth and employment instead of hosting adventice administration

guy earning 1 million $ and paying 500 000 $ tax will invest on market creating employment and wealth instead of feeding useless bureaucracy