The Mighty 460 Rowland (part 2): Popular Cartridge Comparisons
American Arms Channel - 391 Views
Published on 15 Dec 2020 / In Film and Animation
Here we take a non-scientific look at comparing a fairly mild .460 Rowland Load to some hot, and some standard loads for 4 other popular cartridges. The velocities recorded provide us with a data point on energy generated, and the water jugs give us a comparison to what sort of energy is being transferred to the target.
The loads used in this test are as follows:
9x19mm Parabdlum - Speer LE Gold Dot 124gr +P
.45 Colt - Winchester Super-X 255gr LRN
.40 S&W - HANDLOAD: 155gr Hornady XTP 7.2gr Autocomp
.357 Mag - American Eagle 158gr JSP
.460 Rowland - HANDLOAD: 230gr Gold Dot 9.9gr CFE Pistol
As always, thanks for watching! God Bless and Keep Your Powder Dry.
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