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The Hard Road to Technocratic World Order (Technocracy In A Nutshell)

Published on 20 Feb 2025 / In Non-profits and Activism

Technocracy in a nutshell

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(transcript) What is Technocracy
explain to us in a nutshell what is technocracy I can technocracy was a a
movement started back in the 1930s primarily by scientists and engineers at Columbia University not
exclusively but that's where they started that was during the Great Depression and they thought that
capitalism and free enterprise was dead and on his last legs and they took it
upon themselves to create a new economic system that would step in where where
capitalism for Enterprise left off it was to be a resource-based economic system and it was to be controlled or uh
let's say accounted for by energy not by money not by a price-based economic
system like we're familiar with today but rather by energy so how much energy did it take to make this shirt for
instance or the these eyeglasses or whatever that would be the price that I would pay for a for something it
depending on the energy that went into it to make it this resource-based economic system never caught on in the
30s and 40s like they'd hoped it would was primarily really rejected by the end
of the 30s and certainly end of the 40s it was rejected however a lot of it as
principles kind of made it into the new deal and and several of the technocrats of that day ended up in the
administration working on behalf of technocracy but technocracy was
resuscitated by zign brazinski around 1970 when he wrote his book between two
ages America's role in the technotronic era and I should go back and reiterate
too that technocracy proposed a system of scientific uh social engineering that
was a term they kind of came up with what does that mean it means nothing because social engineering is not a
science you can't you don't heard cats you can't make a science out of it you don't know which way they're going to
run but they felt like they could use their Advanced science uh
methodology to make rules and constructs for all of society and somehow manage
the whole process I don't think that's ever going to happen by the way and I I expect you probably don't either but
that's what they that's what they had in mind so brazinski brought back
into uh the um you know the intellectual realm this whole idea of technocracy not
coincidentally by the way he was working at Columbia University when he wrote that book so my guess is there was a
connection somehow he'd heard about technocracy and the halls of power at Columbia so he started out writing this
book and when discovered technocracy I went back and read it again just to see if it was talking about technocracy you
know techn iic technocracy kind of sounds similar and I found out it really
did so when brazinski teamed up with David
Rockefeller I think as a result of that book Rockefeller saw it as an
opportunity to to grab resources around the world in the name of technocracy
remember it's a resource-based economic system so they set out they said to
create a new international economic order in 1973 that was their literature myself and Sutton didn't
really understand what new meant back then we just thought well they're reshuffling the chairs on the Titanic
you know this the Sund deck but today I realize when they said new they really
meant new technocracy was the only other economic system ever devised in the
history of the world that could potentially replace capitalism in free enterprise
so the new international economic order I think was really technocracy relabeled
to suit rockefeller's interest and I would say I would dare to say he
hijacked the ideology I you know he wasn't a purist in that sense at all the Rockefeller
family never was as you know but it was a convenient way for him to use it to
gain access to resources around the planet that he formerly could not not touch because they were locked up in
Sovereign you know Sovereign entities and stuff like Nations and so on around the world but now the United Nations is
promoting this whole idea give up your resources let us manage them as trustees
and we'll take care of all of you you know we'll we'll tell you what you can make and what you can eat and how much
of those precious resources that you can consume and I guess ostensibly if if if
if you don't like it what they tell you to do tough just you know so that's kind of
technocracy and a nutshell we could call it neot technocracy today in a sense
that it's a bastardized form of a little bit of original technocracy but the
markers are very clear sustainable development and technocracy are almost
Point foro identical resource-based economic system energy is obviously at
the center of of it you just think cap and trade just think uh AOC with uh you
know with the green the green New Deal uh energy is always at the center
of those smart grids another thing so um sustainable development today is the uh
the primary goal of the United Nations and everybody surrounding the United
Nations is to launch sustainable development as the global economic
system replacing capitalism and free enterprise completely from the ground up
not well not from the ground up but to destroy capitalism and free enterprise and replace it with sustainable
development that's right and this touches on a couple of topics that we have talked about specifically before

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It is not beginning at 2 min mark that is from the full video but this IS whats being said word for word transcript

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Here pactrick wood explains it in another video

Patrick Wood Explains Technocracy | The Corbett Report

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What is Technocracy "in a one sentence is this of what i understand technocracy after listening to him is this "Technocracy is a RESOURCE BASED economic system so you will PAY according to how much "eneergy" it cost to make something.., so THAT is what you will pay for it" Now HOW they will calculate that i dont know they can make it up as they go but just know that you will pay according to what they say it cost to make...

example; like a sandwich or something, this is also why prices are going higher nowadays and just because THEY CAN is also something to put in there...,
Cause they will charge you for the machine/person that kneeded the dough, the plastic it is wrapped in, the this cost, the that cost, the electricity for the machines, the man power it took to get to you from land to warehouse to machine (from ppoint A to A)
to the electricity used to oil spend on bringing it to you with trucks, the refrigirator costs it took to keep the thing cool or iced up, the road, etc. they can just MKAE stuff up as they go,

for example there is a big thing going on in the game business/world, they want to make games cost $100/€100 now,
and it went from €50 to 60 to 70 andnow its €80 and people KEEP on buying them, GPU'S (video cards if you dont know what GPU means) and CPU'S are also up, (CPU's are what makes computers work/process computing/things like make you see images or make calculations or go into a folder or open an app etc., the CPU-chip is the brain and has the processing powers of a computer, which every phone has by the way, CPU is like a control center were everything works and how it works, whether fast or slow it all depends on how powerful it is, old phones vs new phones, new phones are faster and more powerful, thats because of the CPU in it)
GPUS went for nearly €1500 to €3000 euros in 2020 c-19 time from €350 in 2019 and before...
so they def. are testing it out and DOING IT and people are just gobling it up

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