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Phat Brain
Phat Brain - 904 Views
Published on 09 Mar 2022 / In Health

The tidal wave is coming. The 40% rise in life insurance claims prove they know what they are doing. Just as there must be an all cause morbidity before and all cause mortality, there must be a great experiment before a great reset. The groundwork and the setup must be staged before the Emperor willingly drinks the poison. The poison in this case are the batches. 5% of the batches contain a fast acting poison which could be easily hidden and dismissed by the mainstream media is rare. 5% of the batches were the control group and 90% of the batches contain a slow acting, DNA changing components that will eat away at what keeps you alive. I give a real world example in this presentation.

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proudusagirl01 3 years ago

My 75 year old aunt texted me last night to tell me she and my uncle tested positive for Covid. I drove to their house at 12:30 AM and dropped off Ivermectin pills, HCQ, zinc, and Quercetin. She told me today her fever came down and that I may have saved her life. Uncle is feeling great. This is considered a negative outcome by the cabal. They would prefer my family dead. Their evil is no longer a theory and very much a reality. You can get your ivm by visiting

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