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The firmament: Rocket hits the Dome

eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs - 381 Views
Published on 09 May 2024 / In Science

The firmament: Rocket hits the Dome

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slowtango 2 months ago

Very stong made rocket. It hits the dome at a considerable speed but doesn't shatter. Yeah right.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

i know and can understand your reaction about it, its something that ciculated about 10 years ago and there was tonnes of these clips, stronger, heavier ones, multiple cams etc. And there is the height wheree it does it, at 7 0miles whilst the ISS is at about 250 miles up? I was just happy to find the clip back after going thru bout 50 TB of clips i grabbed over the years and as they mainly disappeared i thought id chuck it here for ppl to think about it at least. Maybe its a certain thickness this so called dome and ye need a certain force to actually break it to get thru it> maube its a sort of membrane that heals itself like the Van Allen belt also does with sunflares and recloses apart fromm the last attempt a few weeks ago where they made it so powerfull it kept the circular hole in the van Allen belt open for 37 minutes, enough time for f0kn0se what to get in and out?. Im pretty sure its not CGI though and manufactured to do what it did..thats all..u tell me/us!..peace

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

@ slowtango this still the way to answer someone btw?

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