The FBI Admits No Coordination Or Insurrection And Yet Dems Still Taking Political Prisoners
The FBI Admits No Coordination Or Insurrection And Yet Dems Still Taking Political Prisoners

dalai lama pretending to inform washington about india is farce
he also informs china about usa, usa about england, england about france, france about china, sea about cia, nxivm about sea, mk-ultra about buckingham ...

usa was not in serbia too scared to get killed...
sending united nations instead : french and english dying to save bill clinton reputation on cnn

trump "red button" is not so "big"
still in florida instead of washington

1% of american population is in army
worst rate of the world
0.0005% of england population is in army
ruling usa
because they killed roosevelt and lincoln instead of dealing with lady gaga and dalai lama

it has been shown that 3 million gi's from american army losing war in vietnam and afghanistan, iraq and somalia ...
would not stand against 10 million chineses + 10 million indians + one single officer from united nations