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The EXPERIMENTAL Covid-19 injections violate the Nuremberg Code!

Texas Outlaw
Texas Outlaw - 315 Views
Published on 27 May 2021 / In Health

Most people do not even know the Covid-19 "Gene Therapy" injections are EXPERIMENTAL, and that they are NOT actually a "Vaccine" as defined by a dictionary! Of course, since all of this has started they likely CHANGED the dictionary definition of a vaccine because Tech is complicit also!

People don't know that the COERCION being used to get people to take this EXPERIMENTAL concoction like giveaways, prizes, free food, threatening job loss, threatening to eject people from work, school, or college etc... etc.. is ALL A VIOLATION OF THE NUREMBERG CODE!

The people doing this should already be in jail! The problem is that Federal Agencies seem complicit in this Tyranny!

Governments around the world are ALL COMPLICIT!

While 1 or 2 have spoken out quietly, my question is why has EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS NOT SPOKEN OUT?

It is time to gather Local Law Enforcement Officers within our communities with the People of our communities, and discuss how to best go about ARRESTING federal employees, including Prosecutors, Judges, and Federal Law Enforcement..... who have refused to uphold the laws as they are written!

The Nuremberg Code exists to PROTECT HUMANITY from things like the radical, experimental, gene therapy injections that are being mislabeled as "Vaccines" which they are NOT, from being forced onto the people of the world!

NOBODY is allowed to coerce you to take an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG! Or anything else as far as that goes! It violates God;'s Laws, Man's Laws, Natural Laws, and common decency!

Giving away free food for taking the jab is "coercive." As is entering you into a lottery! As is threatening you with job loss, or being unable to attend college or school! ALL OF THESE THINGS VIOLATE THE #Nuremberg Code!

It is time to organize your community with local Police and Fire Fighters to address the failure of the Federal Government in identifying and PROSECUTING these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!

If they continue to do so, THEY must be arrested! It is time for the Nuremberg Trials 2.0!

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