The Endgame? Humanity Exterminated
The Club of Rome. The Council On Foreign Relations. Bilderberg. The United Nations. Agenda 2030. The furthering of the Chinese Century. The elimination of humanity so that a chosen few may merge with machines and attain immortality. It isn't conspiracy theory. And it isn't some unattainable billionaire's dream anymore. It has become our collective reality. Share this video with those that are unaware. Because the psychotic elitist plan is best explained in their own words and writings.

THE EARTH IS STILL FLAT!!!! Johnny Exodice at mewe DOT com... [///|||\\\] THE PEOPLE ARE ALL GONE!!!!!! You are in PURGATORY……… The Green hat`
Why are you being MADE or “Forced” to Wear a MASK.?.?.? In PizzaGATE Satanic Religious RITUAL……., A mask over The skin of the human “Face” is to Hide YOUR human FACE from your MASTERS!!!
This NEW MASK of the (COVID19) is nothing more then why FEMALES in this SLAVE MASTER System of the “FREE MASON RELIGION” of Hollywood and Bollywood want COSMETICS and MAKEUP on their “Boys and Girls” [{**}] Faces cause back in the day only Wombmen had to [HIDE THEIR human FACES] with the MASK of Cosmetics…..., and now these Esoteric ELECTROMAGNETIC “Monsters” want all HUMANS TO put on a Face Mask, so you are “Acknowledging” /_\ that you are A SLAVE to the W.H.O. that these “Demonic” WORLD LEADERS of U.N. FLAGS known as them FREE MASON “Lodges” / * \ in your home towns……., so ANY ONE whom puts on a MASK is a SLAVE {too them} +=+ that do not wear the FACE MASK…..
This is why TRUMP NEVER WEARS “a mask” cause all the #QANON are his [slave population] [{*}] of Democrats and Republican known as FREE MASON “Children” the Demolay – Jobs Daughters – Rainbow Girls, and EASTERN STARS whom put on “so much” FEMALE MAKE UP it has always made Ladies and Girls into SLAVES to their Male Masonic “Wiccan” ROMAN Counterpart, and this is why MEN {don’t have to} wear Make Up cause in the FREE MASON Lodge system…., only SLAVES WEAR FACE PAINT to hide their “broken and beaten” souls behind the eyes in them Faces from their MALE MASTER MASONS even though “WE ARE” Wombmen give birth to both Male and Female and We Are “too be” SLAVES TO NO MAN!!!
Q+ The Pen`
You my nonmason are in a SATANIC RITUAL where by wearing THE MASK you say: I Obey, I Comply, I Submit to the FREE MASON NEW WORLD ORDER of lies – sedition – treachery, and SELF HATE “of myself” because I AM too cowardly to call out my FREE MASON for High Treason and being Traitors to all Mankind “be we” MALE AND FEMALE, and I WILL NOT HIDE My face with this BULL SHIT Face Mask of the PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) World Domination Plot of the freemasons WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY, nor will I hide my face with any FACE PAINT for I am a Real Person of Flesh and Blood and Bones, and only a Coward or (A Whore) would put on FACE PAINTS to hide a females “True Power” and True Beauty [be she] a child……., or a mother of WE THE PEOPLE!!!
Only SLAVES have to hide their FACES with “Make Up and Cosmetics” known as THE MASK OF HOLLOW PEOPLE in their Hollywood {Bollywood} Holographic TV Boxes, and Hologram TV Screens of our [2D FLAT SCREEN] Cell Phone TV Sets………
Cosmetics and Make Up provide all the funds for Human Trafficking known as YOUNG TRANNY SEX websites of abused and stolen nonmason children to become and remain SEX SALES of Abuse in the PORNOGRAPHY Industry where SEX SELLS cause “these children” are forced to be YOUNG TRANNY Sex Slaves [with no say] in the matter once kidnapped by FAKE AMBER ALERTS of FREE MASON C.O.P.S.
Now what are we to do to WALK AWAY from the OTO Kabbala Zohar NASA Fake Space Magic and Sorcery???? As The God of all you Angels and Demons you are now FREE to WALK AWAY from this FREE MASON SLAVE MASTER MASONIC SYSTEM and Establish [your own] FLAT EARTH Magical Academies “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition!!!
Just know MOST Comments are Bots and Counterpart Bots talking shit, so if you can find no REAL Conversation, then you are talking to A.I. Bots and and A.I. Thumbs Up, and that is why we The Romantic Warriors of Pak-Toe “only do” THUMBS DOWN to say WE ARE NOT Racka!!!
The Society of nonmason~