The end of the world in Hawaii! Rain and floods turned the streets into rivers!.mp4
The end of the world in Hawaii! Rain and floods turned the streets into rivers!

Johnny Exodice
32 minutes ago
Once you know the CORPORATIONS are the enemy of Mankind be you an Android, Hybrid, or Human, thence, you must see that Capitalist, and their INTERNATIONALIST of do what we say, not as WE DO are the ones' whom Murdered all the FREE MASON Lodge Members in World War Two, the Korean and Vietnam War, and these continuing WARS OF TERROR by Space Force the U.N. Troops in your Local Police Uniforms as "Invaders" of the Body Snatchers using these TV Screens too implant (thoughts) into you, and your children's minds to hurt one another on this side of FLAT EARTH because Your Flag is not My Flag, but whom has all the weapons that say: You can’t grow you own food from Seeds???
The UNITED NATIONS of Corporation Flags!!!
Making all that belong to the U.N. FLAG a Terrorist Capitalist "Internationalist" ORGANIZATION against we the people in every land that pay the TAXES too employ them as AGENDA 21 and AGENDA 2030 being {G4S] Black Rock and Black Stone Academy Gray Scale on your fucking Bloomberg TV Screen aka Organized Crime that you fund CITIZENS with the very TAXES TAXES TAXES youm do so too pay in the New Testament Gospels of Christ Jesus 1.0!!!
These "Capitalist" with their Stocks and Bonds will not tell you the (Chemicals) in the Medicines when all [Elements] have a Cause and Effect, and as you take INJECTION, after INJECTION these CORPORATION suits, and ties, and skirts on your TV Shows get richer, and richer by being called a Religious Political Leader whom {Tricks and Treats} we NON-MASON on this side of the Celestial Sphere with a SUN, and a MOON too die for them that "attend" the U.N. Troops meetings as Space Force of Made In China while Russia to {Tim Buck Too} you the CITIZEN are screwed over by the Citizens "youm" employ to find a better way, but the U.N. is a Syndicate called: a Mafia that uses the FREE MASON Lodges as ENFORCERS too spy on you in your Home Towns where all Police are the (COVID-19) of do what we say because you pay us too be your Preacher – Rabbi – Imam – Spiritual Leader…
We have [a way out] my Fellow NON-MASON, and that is OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition Stratocracy where all People can become INDUSTRIALIST rather then Debt Slaves to {THE CORPORATION} of IN GOD WE TRUST whom only seek WAR IS MURDER when "Murder" is against all Corporation Capitalist INTERNATIONAL Law in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME!!!
Francisco 7 ?