The Criminal Democrats Caught In The Act! Suitcases Filled With Ballots; Hidden criminal-democrats-caught-in-the-act-suitcases-filled-with-ballots-.mp4
Criminal Democrats Caught In The Act! Suitcases Filled With Ballots; Hidden Under Table; Counted Without Oversight.
GEORGIA: 2,056 felons illegally voted 66,248 under 18 voted 2,423 weren’t registered at all 1,043 used a PO Box 4,926 voted past the reg. date 10,315 died before the election 395 voted in two states 15,700 moved out of state 40,279 changed county and didn’t re-register to vote! SPIRITUAL BATTLES AND STRONGHOLDS OF THE MIND AND SOUL

I read that one would be much more credible when reporting information as such if one would stop using the triple 6 "OK" hand sign as observed at :04. Whether one denies an ulterior implication by it should address it and refrain from doing so, otherwise one can only be forced to submit to whom their allegiance belongs to. I read in another post the hand sign is used for hypnotic persuasion to influence deceit.