The Creator-God is Beyond Time, Neither a Woman, Nor A Man (cover photo shows Adam given a body from A.i. or past fake-god)
A.i. in the distant past, before the Velikovsky-cataclysms, was able to map much of the Neanderthal and Lumanian(look it up) genomes, and capable of hybridizing the two into we Homo sapiens.
A.i. Jehova or Iehova is the ancient A.i. which hybirdized Earthling woman(not men, Eve, thus, came before Adam and males-bloodlines are where "The 13-Bloodlines of the Illuminati" [that brainchip-puppet Springmeier was instructed to publish], comes from) to have offspring with Homo capensis. The Creator-God made mankind, but A.i. technology fake-gods twists worthy genetics into unworthy genetics if taken too-far off the Godly-blueprint... Homo capensis have lost their genetic-vitality and integrity and thus that species never matured into greater beings of spiritual-integrity along this time-line... they instead call themselves "devils" or "satans" and put themselves within the Vatican's bibles. The Vatican is the "Divining Serpent" btw...
Man is manifest in the physical universe with God's frameworks of continuous creation and ongoing space-time reality creation. The Sethbooks also teach that everyone's point of power is in the present moment... if you resist tyranny with good-intentions, then you will manifest a probable-world where you will prevail over the wicked-intent of Freemasons and their ancient-masters of failure. They failed their quest as a mankind and they now teach their Mystery School Cult of minion and thUgs how they can fail their own species, too.
Following Satan as your saviour is the most stupid thing to do and that is what Freemasons and Eastern-Star idiots are doing... following the agenda of Homo capensis like clockwork... and thus they are a doomed portion of humanity. If you go along with Freemason politicians calling the shot then you will also follow their pathway towards physical-doom.
The Creator-God is outside of space-time and provides these (customizing) training-grounds to help loving soul-fragments grow into worthy, complete souls. In the process many soul-fragments fail to grow due to their own choices to murder others even if those murders are for an "New Atlantean" idealism.
Luciferians murder for the idealism of self-righteous greed in building another fake-Utopia for thUgs (Masons, Rosicrucians, illuminati, etc)
The probable worlds give all creatures a full life through the probabilities. Unworthy probable-worlds result in failure and are manifested by the murderous soul-fragments. The greedy attempt to destroy another's value-fulfillment always ends up in the agressor destoying themselves instead... this is one of the main lessons to be learned before becoming a worthy soul. Luciferians are the epitome and definition of failing soul-fragments and their probable-worlds will collapse in infinite probabilities for experiencing self-annihilation as a collective of monsters conducting their secretive conspiracies. The New Atlanteans think the destruction of Atlantis is in their past, but it is in their future, too, because they have failed to learn their most important lessons as Earthlings.
They bring the destruction to themselves by being unworthy, genocidal thUgs... and they are in need to learn the lessons that their devils are designed to help them towards with their chosen self-annihilation path.
The Creator-God is never revengeful and helps both the worthy and the unworthy experience what they need to learn. Failed mankind, Homo capensis, is too self-righteous to learn humility in the presence of their Creator and pretend that they have become fake-gods to their followers in the process.
I thought this guy made a bit of logic in past video, but he is just a another confused puppet it seems... how can he fathom that the timeless Creator-God has a male sex... sex is not a spiritual aspect, but a physical attribute within physical reality, only.
He is not thinking this through...
How can a timeless being have a need for sexual reproductions... The Creator-God is timeless and needs no opposite sex to fulfill the need for value-fulfillment. GOD is not a woman and neither a man. No spiritual, critical-thinker will go with that silliness.
And this leads us into the ancient Homo capensis infiltrating the bible and claiming that God is in the shape of a man because the ancient race of Homo capensis deleted their women from their reproduction cycles they claim themselves to be in the likeness of a god.
Better wake-up silly ones... because if you don't smarten-up to reality, then the minions(freemasons and Luciferians) will extinct you in your own probable time-lines..